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State of Chaos

This is the continuation of Kestrel's State of Confusion. Anyone interested in picking their way through the smoldering wreckage (well, maybe not smoldering, but still wreckage) can find it here.


6-17-03-There's a picture of Wraith up now. Wraith is my X-Woman, so copy her and feel my (rather pitiful) wrath.

4-30-03-Construction still underway, I'll add some links to other pages once I get enough of the pages up to be worth viewing. Until then, check Terrouge's new Questors Bold, Questors Bold II (no wonder). It's going into its third week, so there's a lot of catchup reading if you haven't been following the story. I'm rooting for Cairn, Deckerd, Brookmere, and reluctantly for Delaila (though her reckless defiance of the slavers should have gotten her killed already, many times over). I hate her character, but she writes it so well that I just can't bring myself to vote for her death. I was rooting for Tiven, and am still annoyed that he was the first to die. (No clue what I'm talking about? There's an explanation here.) For some furry art (and some unfurry, too), check out Kelly Hamilton'sJungle. It's being remodeled, but there's still a lot of high quality art to be had.

3/9/03-The Critic is back with book reviews and general recommendations. I may eventually get some original fantasy writing up here, but I can't promise anything. I just moved to this site, and it's going to be under heavy construction for a while. Meanwhile, I recommend checking out, with its detailed how-to guides on everything you need to know (and a lot you don't) from joining the CIA to redecorating your apatment and from getting a ferret to serving high tea. It also is a member of the National Debate Association and has great explanations and detailed pro and con arguments (with rebuttals!) for a number of current (and not so current) issues.