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As you probably already know I love to rp. I have many neopets I rp with and many characters I rp with. This page is dedicated to them and their stories, how I rp them, etc. They are not listed in any specific order.

Gender: Female
Family: Sparky-Her Son,Lira-Her Sister, Imix-Her Husband, and Strong-Her Brother Inlaw
Friends: None at the moment.
History: She was raised by her mother and father in a den in the Lost Desert. She grew up there with her sister Lira. When she was old enough she moved away from her family along with her sister. They both found dens right next to eachother, at least for the time being. Then Rain met Warrior, the love of her life. They got married and had two children, Sparky and Midnight. Every year the whole family would get together. When Sparky and Midnight were about 5 years old (human years) the family went to the Haunted Woods. While the family was in the porcess of buying 2 petpets, one for Midnight and one for Sparky, Midnight ran off in the woods while playing a game of tag. Sparky didn't say anything, he just went back to his parents expecting that he would come back soon. After about 5 minutes Rain noticed that Midnight was missing. Sparky then told her that he had ran off into the woods. Alarmed, the whole family went into the woods to search for him. In the deep heart of the woods they saw it...It looked like a giant, rogue, mutant draik, about as tall as the trees. He was holding the screaming Midnight in his left hand. Of course all of the family fought, except Rain and Sparky. As much as Rain wanted to defend Midnight she also had to protect Sparky. She she ran out of the woods with him. No one came out alive...No one except Lira. As a sign of the battle she now has a long black scare along her back.

Four years later Lira was married and had given birth to four newborn pups. Around that time was when Rain met Imix. They became good friends. Eventualy Rain's feelings for Imix grew. Many things happened and almost a year later they came back from an adventure all over neopia. Not long after they got married. And all of this leads to now...
Roleplaying Info: Rain is open for rping; rped over aim, neomails and boards; rped anthro or quad