stained glass

The creation of stained glass began almost fives years ago with the beginning of my first site

Malaca's Anime Fanfiction Corner.  Well that site was a bomb, mostly because I had no idea what

the fuck I was doing.  After a few years of struggling with maintaining the site purely by guesswork

I scraped the site with no ambitions to start a new one.  Until that is I got a rather belated gift of Namo Webeditior.

I loved the format so much that I remembered the original reason I started the old site, so that people can have a

voice unchained by many of the rules and regulations of some of the other archive sites.

While not as large as I have ambitions to be, stained glass was created with this enviroment in mind.

Censorship and rules are not your friend.  So feel free to e-mail anything...for posting.