{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sl480\slmult1\f0\fs24 Briana Arezzi\par Mr. Luis\par Graduation Project\par 19 December 2003\par \par \pard\sl480\slmult1\qc Forensics Used in Solving Crimes\par \pard\sl480\slmult1\par \tab Forensic science plays a major roll in solving homocide cases. It is a very intersting and time consuming occupation. The way they solve crimes from the smallest clue at a crime scene or on a victoms body is amazing. The tools that are used are so advanced from the way cimes would be solved years ago. It's amazing the way a clue like a fiber from a carpet could be linked back to a murderer, or using certain lights that show blood stains after a suspect had thought they had done everything neatly and could get away with a murder. Each step to a case involves a long process of analyzing the body, which can take up to hours before anything is found that looks unusual. It is astonishing to see the way a small detail like a fiber on a victoms shirt and be traced back to a carpet in a murderers house. \par \tab For some time now, there have been crimes solved using the skill of forensic science. The presence of an insect on a body, or the imprint of a button on a victoms skin can give way to a narrowed down list of suspects in a homicde crime. (Bana 21) The food in a stomach of a victom can be used to link a person back to the last place he/she ate dinner and then people at the restuarant can be used to answer questions about who the victom with with that night and murder can be solved. Even crimes that took place decades ago such as the murder of Medgar Ever or the murders of the Romanov family that took place in Russia. (Bada 21) Many people do do not have much knowledge on this subject and the exact time and place forensic science was first used in solving crimes can be debated. \tab\par \tab When a body is first brought into a mourge to be examined for evidence there is a long process to follow in trying to find clues that can link back to a murderer. First a toe tag is checked to make sure everything matches up right. Then, the body is checked for a wallet to see if there is a drivers licnense so the photo can be matched up with the victoms face. The drivers license would also provide a height of the deceased of the deceased. The body is still measured for height even if there is one on the license. Then photographs are taken from different angels. (Bana 24) Next, overhead lights are turned off and a Wood Light that is about the size of a flashlight is used to search the clothes and body for semen, which floresces under ultraviolet rays. Blood and saliva do not show up but small portions of lint may show up. (Bana 26) \par \tab Throughout the whole process everything is written down with the time. Jewlery is taken off and noted. Even the shoe color is noted, presence of socks, clothing label and sizes are all recorded. The color of the decaying skin is written down as well as the drying of the tounge. (Bana 27) When samples of the body are taken a rape kit is required. A rape kit consists of tubes for fluid collection, envelopes used for scraps of hair. It also has swabs with corresponding containers to protect from contamination, after a swab is used it is put into a cradboard box that holds it upright and firmly in place so nothing can touch the tip. Tiny envelopes are used to hold individual hairs, fingernails, and fibers. There are smaller vials that hold blood or urine. (Bana 27) \par \tab DNA is saved and kept dry to avoid deterioration. Saliva is the best source of DNA. (Bana 29) While getting this crucial evidence the swabs may have to be moistend and then kept dry to be analyzed. There are some medical examiners that insist on using distilled water on the swabs to prevent contamination from foreign substances in tap water, other examiners say that tap water is just fine. Next, the air conditioner is turned off so that no little fibers which may lead to further clues or hair that can match up with a suspect is blown away. (Bana 27) At the time, trace evidence has started and a single hair at a time is going into tiny envelopes. There are a few hairs being pulled from facial hair and the head. Pockets are checked and there are more photographs being taken of the body. Photography was one of the first forensic sciences. Documenting crime scenes is as old as photography. It remains an essnetial tool in the mourge and well as at the crime scene. (Bana 28) \par \pard\sb100\sa100\sl480\slmult1\tab This is when the clothes begin to come off the body and each article of clothing is placed in a bag, the time is once again recorded. A black rubber block is placed under the upper back, raising the throat and tilting back the head. (Bana 29) During this whole process the pathologist takes a small pad of paper and pencil or a tape recorder to say everything about the body. The first incision is made from the pubic area to the breasts in a "Y" shape. The pathologist is now looking for anything abnormal. There could be anything from an internal infection, unusual odor, or just the color of an area. (Pervez 4)\par \tab The chest organs, including the heart and lungs are now examined. A hypodermic needle is used to extract blood from the heart to be sent to the microbiology lab for any further analysis. At this time, specimens are also extracted from the pancreas, the brain, or even the eyes. Upon analyzing these specimens the use of drugs, medicine, alcohol, or poison can be revealed. (Pervez 5) Every one of the solid organs are being weighed on a grocer's scale. They include the heart, lungs, brain, kidney, liver, and spleen. Now, to examine the abdominal contents, the first step is to free up the large intestine, the intestine is removed and cut off with scissors. The liver is also removed and weighed. A normal liver weighs about 1400 GMS. If the liver is fat or very large, it shows effects of alcoholism or some other disease. Besides the liver and the large intestine, there is a full analysis of the digestive system that involves the examination of esophagus, stomach, pancreas, and spleen. (Pervez 6) Every organ is checked separatly for anything unusual. The contents of an organ are also being checked for any sign of a disease by poisoning or infection. The samples are also being sampled for microscopic examination. (Pervez 7)\par \par \f1\par \pard\sl480\slmult1\f0\par \tab\par \tab\par \tab\fs20\par }
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