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Drops of Orli

Where would we be in this world if it wasn't for Orlando Bloom playing Legolas? If you haven't the faintest idea what I am talking about, LEAVE NOW! Seriously, you will find the pages set before quite odd and uninteresting if you don't like Orlando Bloom.
So, as for the rest of us who worship and adore our favorite little elf, a little note about the site. It was created to pay homage to the increadibly hot, Orlando Bloom. It was created by two, count 'em, two people. That's right, this is a team effort. We are so into being a team that we almost named this site Team Legolas, but thankfully we didn't becuase that name is stupid! We are deranged people!
Warning! This site is suitable for all ages. But, there are a few pages with content that IS NOT suitable for young children. These pages will be marked with plenty of warnings and such, so be on the look out. These pages are ONLY in the fanfiction area, so if you don't want to worry about that kind of stuff, don't go there. Thanks.
And now, on with the show!

Enter Drops of Orli