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Welcome to Falcon-Soundgear

::There is Music on all pages it just may take sometime to load::

Ah, so I see you have finally reached the main page of Falcon-Soundgear. Congrads! *^*gives you a cookie*^* This is my humble site, it is still in proccess, but so far so good! The Name, Falcon-soundgear well...I dont know where it came from *^*shrugs and looks around for her imagination*^* So Yeah. My site is underway. I hope you enjoy it if now check out One of my Affilies, or check out Stobbe's site! They are all great artist and WOW! If you dont like their sites and you can not keep yourself occupied then you can like I dunno, go to *^*grins*^* When I get the link you can go to the slaughter house web site, its gruosum, not for people with really weak stomachs. My guest book it up and running please Sign it I would love you see what you think. *^*smiels sweetly and giggles*^* Hum well I will let you take a look around and keep your self occupied!
If you would like to save my Land of my medieval webpage thing then click on your back browser to the spash page or you can click on the link below and save the splash page *^*smiles*^* Danke!
*^*WARNING*^*The images, yes are not mine. Well not all of them. But they are as well not stollen. Please take them if you like BUT DO NOT clame they are yours 'cause I will not take part in a law suit. I got the images from my friends sites.*^*WARNING*^*

Profile Of Creator
Sharon Shinn
John William Waterhouse
Some of My Fave. Artist and Styles: Quest
Medieval Costumes and Clothing
Fact Files (various artist and my art)
Gifts to Me
Visit My Art At Side7
Visit My Art At Elfwood
Visit My Art At ArtWanted
Back To Splash

*^*UPDATE*^*Friday February 14 2003*^*UPDATE*^*
I understand I have not updated in a very long time. I just have had not time to do so. Please forgive me. I have yet to check my gest book so if you have commented there please forgive me for not respoinding to you. There are a few new music things one on the splash page and one on my new page. The new additions to this are my Gallery at ArtWanded and My new page with Medieval costumes and clothing. I hope you like it!

*^*UPDATE*^*Monday May 19 2003*^*UPDATE*^*
Eesh! I have not updated anything in such along time. I apologize! Well I have two new page, Fact files and Gifts to me. I hope you check them out! I also re-wrote my Bio. So um..yeah <bgsound src="" loop=infinite>
