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Fact-Files: Art Links

Welcome to my art link page. Where I have links to friends Gallas and peoples whos art is beautiful beyond belife. I Hope you enjoy! More Links will come up as I get better to knowing more artists and their artwork. More links for my friends will be up as well!


My Art Work
Side 7 Art Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Zone Art Elfwood Fan Art Art Wanted Art

Laura Kelly (Unicon Unity)
Side 7 Art Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Fan Art Deviant Art

Areidra E. Gabourie
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Stories

Amanda Lien (Tiamat)
Side 7 Art Deviant Art The Art Archive

Patrick Adams
Elfwood Loth Art

Bob Frendt
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Stories

Sara Clay
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Fan Art

Jill Butler
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Zone Art

Ayame Suzuki
Side 7 Art

Lisa Burman
Elfwood Loth Art

Viet-My 'Ravenskar' Bui
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Zone Art Elfwood Fan Art

Lys Blakeslee
Side 7 Art Media Miner Art

Stephen McEwan (Tenshi)
Side 7 Art

Amey Yurov
Side 7 Art

Kristin:Bad Kittie (Wayah)
Side 7 Art Deviant Art

Arman Houschmand
Elfwood Loth Art


Jenny ('Gold Seven') Dolfen
Elfwood Loth Art Epilogue Art Elfwood Fan Art

Norma Peters
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Fan Art

Natashja 'Lady Dahmer' Psomas
Elfwood Loth Art

Donna 'The PuppyGirl' Bond
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Fan Art Epilogue Art

Marilyn Alice Boyle
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Stories Elfwood Stories Elfwood Zone Art

Geoffrey O'Donnell
Elfwood Loth Art

Rikke 'Gwennafran' Lindskov Loft
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Zone Art Elfwood Fan Art Tegnebordet Art

Irene Laura Kwak
Elfwood Loth Art

Sarah Enid Moule
Elfwood Loth Art

Livy Cafaxe
Elfwood Loth Art

Rhett Sanders Tudor
Elfwood Loth Art

Julie Young
Side 7 Art

Laura Blackbeard
Side 7 Art

Jorieke 'JoSav' Savelkouls
Elfwood Loth Art Elfwood Fan Art Elfwood Stories

I hope you enjoyed check out many peoples art work. I wanted to give a shout out to: Cyn, Jed, Kris, Stobbe, Jeff, Levi, Amy, Melissa. Jessie-Rae, Brandy, Ray and all my other friends that do not have art sites!!
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