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You suddunly find yourself in a bright, cheerful light. You squint and let your eyes get used to the light. When you can see again, you can hardly believe your eyes. You are in a bright, cheerful place. You are still being pulled forward and you look over to see young girl pulling you along. She is adverage height and fairly skinny. Her brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She is wearing blue jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers. You are in a state of shock and just let her pull you along. How could this be? What happened to the darkness and the evil shadow being? The girl stops and places you in a seat. Despite your confution you can't help thinking how comfortable it is. But wait, what's going on here? Where am I? You look up at the girl. She smiles and you see nice white, staight teeth.
"Hi! Welcome to my domain! You will stay a while won't you?" Her voice is light and cheerful, nothing like the voice you heard in the darkness. You look at this girl strangely, is this some kind of joke? What is going on? "um, excuse me, but could you tell me what's going on? Who are you? Where am I? and what happened to that shadow thing?" You blurt out. The girl laughs. "Of course, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Emily but my friends call me Mizuu. You are in my home and I was the shadow 'thing' as you call it hehe" You stare at her. Her? How could SHE be the evil shadow? "I'm sorry, I don't understand, YOU are the evil shadow?" She smiles and nods. "Yup, that's me, the evil shadow. The dark place you are talking about is sort of like my dark side and this place is what you could call my light side. I had you really scared didn't I? hehe Wasn't that fun? I like scaring people like that sometimes. It's fun to confuse people a little, hehe" You just stare at her. Is this girl nuts? What's wrong with her, scaring innocent people like that? And wow, is HER personality spilt! "oh.." Is all you manage to say. She smiles. "Well, now that you understand better, you will stay a while won't you?" You nod. You are begining to get curious about this girl and want to find out more. "Oh good! Follow me please!" She gets up and starts trotting away. You get up and follow her, though this time willingly...