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What kind of job do you want to do?

Mr. Vaughan's Algebra Project


The purpose of this project is to find the job you are really excited about doing, and what it takes to be able to get that job!

So, whether you want to be a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker, you can find out what it takes, who hires them and how much you can expect to make by using the Internet, and talking to people in that industry.

Resources and links

What information is required
  • First, pick a job, any job (almost, any job, that is!)
  • Find out the education needed to start a career in that job
  • Find out who employs people that do that job
  • Find out what employers look for in the people they will hire to do that job

What is required
  • Using the information you found above
  • Prepare a newsletter in MicroSoft Publisher
  • Incorporate all the information in the "articles"
  • the education necessary
  • who employs people in this career
  • what employers look for in the people they hire
  • Use the rubric to check the quality of your work

This site was published by
Jim Vaughan
last updated June 12, 2003