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Mike's Sigs by SASE

Welcome to Mike's Sigs by SASE.


Sigs by SASE refers to the technique of getting autographs of various athletes by mail. This is a rewarding hobby and I recommend anyone who likes sports to try it. This site will help anyone interested get more information. I will post my successes and failures, addresses, tips, and scans of the week. I will try to update this site every week or so.

Good Luck.

This site was last updated on Sunday, October 6, 2002

Mike's News:

Hi. I am sorry I didn't update last week. I had a very busy week and I didn't have a chance to update the site. In autograph news, I have 3 new responses these 2 weeks, one in hockey and two in baseball. Thanks you for visiting Mike's Sigs by SASE and I hope you visit back next week.

get this gear!

Reasons to begin collecting

Baseball successes

Football successes

Hockey successes

Racing successes




Scan of the Week