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Falcon/Shail's Adopted Beasties

You step through the rainbow patterns and spray of the waterfall and find yourself in the middle of a large stream. You're pretty sure you know how you got here, but you're still surprised. Beyond the stream you can make out a forest. You realize you're very thirsty, so you stoop to drink. The wind blows past your face and you wonder where you are, but you don't have time to worry about that now, because a white wolf has just stepped out of the forest on your right.

It looks at you with intelligent silver eyes, and then tilts back its head and howls. You shiver, because you're wet and you're sure that this animal is calling its pack. You're pretty sure you're about to die.

"Hello, stranger, my name is Snowfire," it says after it has finished its howl. You blink in confusion. Wolves don't talk. "No, we don't, but you drank from the stream. The water is magical, and you and I can now understand eachother's unspoken languages." That seems to make sense, since you stepped out of a waterfall into this strange place. Now four other wolves appear.

The adult is silver, and she looks alarmed to see you. "That's my mother, Silva," says Snowfire, unconcerned. "And my brother and sisters. The big black pup is Firesmoke, he's quite friendly. The two little ones are my sisters, Blackstorm and Ash. We came from Obi's Wolf Adoptions. Here's the certificate.

If you want to go see the other wolves Obi has touch the picture and you will go directly to Obi's Wolf Adoptions." You're not sure whether to be reasured by the vocal young wolf or not, so you try asking a question.

"Where am I?"

Silva giggles, and answers that in a gentle and softspoken voice. "You have entered Falcon/Shail's home. This is where all her adopted creatures live. We're the only one's here right now. Shail's not even here yet. She's gone to gather all her children and bring them here for us. We're the guardians of this place you know." She chuckles again, and swats at the little black pup while it pounces on her tail.

"I see," you say slowly. "Well what is Shail, and when will she be back?"

"Oh, Shail's whatever she wants to be. She'll come back when she wants to. There are some unicorns farther down the trail. They're very playful, and I'm sure they'd enjoy a visit." Silva vanishes, taking the three pups with her, and then Snowfire follows, leaving you alone in the stream. You decide to follow the path farther. The unicorns might be worth seeing.

Click this to see the Unicorns.
