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« Clamp Gakuen Tanteiden / Clamp Campus Detective »

Isn't we, the Clamp Campus Detective Teams dedicated to work for woman's happiness Akira ? If there is a woman crying in the west, we hand her a handkerchief, and if there is a depressed woman in the east, we run up and solve her problems. Akira, it is the duty of Clamp Campus Detectives to be of help of a woman who is sad . . .

Clamp Campus Detective is written by Clamp and published by Kadokawa Shoten 1992-1993 into 3 volumes. The story based when The Clamp Campus Elementary Government [CCEG] visited Tokyo Tower, Nokoru saw a lady crying there, the three decided to help the poor lady and solved her problem succesfully. After broke her challenge. they got permission from Rijichou to start a detective team. Since then, Clamp Campus Detective was ready to dry the tears of women all over the world.
So boys, find other detective.

CCD also had 13 volume of anime. Unlike the manga, here Nokoru got rival in 5-6 last episodes. Idomu Daidouji had passion of revenge for many years just because he thought Nokoru had took away his mother's smile from him. Strange reason ? Not for a kid. The end of the duel, Idomu must continue his study at Paris. Maybe because he was dare enough to challenge the leader family.

Oops, forget to tell you that Idomu come from a branch family of Imonoyama Group. in Japan, economic groups, such Mitsubishi, were controlled by some families related by blood or marriage. The leader usually is the strongest and served full respect by the rest, but the group leader has duty to care for the welfare of the group members.

if you're lucky enough to get the anime, watch out the theme song. it's very sad music and in some part sounds like Swanlake ch.3. The graphic quality is very good, especially for the green trees and scenery, I give it 8.5 or A. Takepon, Kenpi, Eri [Duklyon], and Miyuki [Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland] also get parts as guest stars.

Imonoyama Nokoru / Kaichou ~ 12 ~ 6th grade ~ the President of CCEG, also the leader of CCD. Genious, smart, charming smile, bonnie eyes, blonde hair, romantic . . . attractive to every girls. No ability in sport but can be a super hero while saving a girl from misery. Hawkeye that can see a tear of woman from 2 km away. Very lazy and always run away from his job in any chances. Even a gentleman like him would be hard to find a lover. Guess which girl won't be jealous if in their first date Nokoru is busy saving other girls ^^

Takamura Suoh ~ 11 ~ 5th grade ~ the Secretary of CCEG, always play the dangerous role as ninja in CCD. Born in Takamura Ninja Clan has give him strong dicipline, a quality really needed to keep Kaichou on railway. In his clan, one choose the one they'll protect the whole life. In his case, he choosed Kaichou after some kidnapped 3 years ago. Behind the mask, there hide a very shy boy in love with Azuya Nagisa ~ 6 ~ a very talented Japanese-flute player. Nothing will change if you too just blushing each other, FIGHT SUOH !

The last member and also the youngest, Ijyuin Akira ~ 10 ~ 4th grade ~ the Treasurer of CCEG and the most skillful chef in Clamp Campus. But one won't be chosen as member of CCD if just to serve tea and cakes.Still very pure that sometimes misunderstood Kaichou's true means. No ability of fight but very good reflect in avoiding strike. Cover by darkness in the night, he would change into 20 Mask, a very famous gentleman thief. Every Friday 10 pm, he would stop at the balcon of Ohkawa Utako ~ 6 ~ his puppy love. Well, kiddy should not stay up so late, Akira ^.-

The three CCD member also crossover in X as the Clamp Campus director that support the TnR. It's just very They were introduced as 24, 23, & 22. CCD based on 1992, shouldn't they 19, 18 & 17 ? What will you say, Clamp ? Nokoru inherited the director position from Rijichou, Suoh must at his side as bodyguard, but Akira, didn't you say wanna become pediatrian ? Saving the world is more important ? ^^

Because the images won't fit a page, they will be continued to the next page. I'm apologize for this unconvenient.

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