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Grading Policy
1. 50% of your grade will come from your class participation.
2. 50% of your grade will come from your rehearsal attendance, test grades, written tests, and tapes.
The following criteria will be followed for all rehearsals:
To receive a 100% for a rehearsal you must attend and put forth an acceptable effort.
You will receive a 75% if you are absent from school and are not at rehearsal. If you only miss one rehearsal this will not effect your grade as long as your other grades are in check.
You will receive a 0% if you are in school and not at rehearsal.
All these grades will be entered into the computer on a weekly basis and you will have the opportunity to view at your convenience.
Any student who is late and unexcused will not be able to earn anymore than a 90% for that rehearsal.
All performances are mandatory for all students. Any missed performance or parade for any reason than a medical concern, or a death in the family, or something that has been pre-approved by the director will result in failure.


Grading Policy
1. 50% of your grade will come from your class participation.
2. 50% of your grade will come from your rehearsal attendance, test grades, written tests, and tapes.
The following criteria will be followed for all rehearsals:
To receive a 100% for a rehearsal you must attend and put forth an acceptable effort.
You will receive a 75% if you are absent from school and are not at rehearsal. If you only miss one rehearsal this will not effect your grade as long as your other grades are in check.
You will receive a 0% if you are in school and not at rehearsal.
All these grades will be entered into the computer on a weekly basis and you will have the opportunity to view at your convenience.
Any student who is late and unexcused will not be able to earn anymore than a 90% for that rehearsal.
All performances are mandatory for all students. Any missed performance or parade for any reason than a medical concern, or a death in the family, or something that has been pre-approved by the director will result in failure.


Sample Grade Book Entry
Student Name Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Music Vocabulary
Scale Pass Off
Bb Major w/arpeggio
Music Pass Off
  A B In Progress A B In Progress A B In Progress  
Joe Highlander                    
Casey Kilty                    


Sample Grade Book Entry
Student Name Class Participation (CP) Rehearsal Scale Pass Off
Bb Major w/arpeggio
Music Pass Off
Joe Highlander 10 75 (Absence) 100 50



Grading Rubric


Positive Points Description        
10 Class Participation Punctuality Instrument Music  
10 Assessments Scale Pass Offs Music Pass Offs    
25 Uniform Inspection        
50 Performances        
25 Rehearsals        


Grading Rubric


Demerits Description        
- 5 Unprepared for class/rehearsal No instrument No music    
- 5 Tardy        
- 50 Absent from Performance Unexcused      
- 25 Absent from Rehearsal Unexcused      


Points are awarded for each activity. If a student misses ANY activity for ANY reason he/she will not be awarded those points. (Exception: See Attendance)


Daily Rehearsals/Participation 40
Extra Section Rehearsals/Participation 60
Extra Full Band Rehearsals/Participation 80
Public Performances (games, pep rallies, parades, concerts, etc.) 160
Musicianship Tests 120
Additional Written and/or Playing Tests (letter grades) TBA
(failure to participate/perform after a commitment has been made will result in loss of 80 points)

Auditioning for All-State Band 60
Auditioning for All-County Band 40
Solo and Ensemble Festival 40
If it is evident that a student has not done adequate preparation for above-mentioned festival or auditions, the student will not be awarded all of the applicable extra merit points.

(copies of Musicianship Tests are located in the back of this handbook)

1. As a general rule, freshmen work on 3rd Class, sophomores work on 2nd Class, and juniors work on 1st Class. The Master Musicianship Test may be taken only after completion of the 1st Class test. Each student must complete his/her appropriate level before going on to the next test.

2. The 3rd Class test is to be completed by the close of the first semester. Subsequent tests are to be completed by a set date in April of the test year. One level is required to be completed per year, though you may do more if you wish.

3. A student may earn 80 extra credit points per nine weeks by completion of each test level above his/her required level.

4. Students having completed the 1st Class test are eligible to pass other students off on the requirements for 2nd and 3rd Class tests.

5. Those completing the Master Musicianship Test will receive special recognition and an award at the annual banquet. Passing the appropriate level of musicianship test is one qualification for earning a letter or bar award.

Misconduct/Disrupting Rehearsal not to exceed 20, depending on offense
No Instrument or Music half of total points for the activity
Uniform or instrument below standards not to exceed 20
Abusive use of uniform or school equipment not to exceed 40
Eating or Drinking in stands not to exceed 30

The final grade will be determined by the total number of points deducted from all grading categories.

POINT SCALE is as follows:


A = 0 - 80 demerit points

B = 81 - 120 demerit points

C = 121 - 160 demerit points

D = 161 - 200 demerit points

F = 200 or more demerit points

An average grade is a "C". In other words, the average student should receive a "C". If you are to earn a higher grade, you must show initiative and put forth extra effort showing that you are above average. You do not get an "A" just for showing up and not causing problems. Your grade is EARNED, not GIVEN.


Ineligible students are to attend band rehearsals and spend the entire time studying or doing alternate work. They are to attend performances, sit in the stands, and help with equipment. They may not participate in performances.