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Welcome to the UT Cup site.

The cup is going to be played From friday at 20:00 to 09:00 Saturday +6 GMT.

The Rules are as follow:


Everybody must have acces to a Server listen/Ded

CD is Welcome to every Server. They who refuse to use CD will be automticaly disqualified.

CB config.

No Cheating!!

Everybody shall record (If someone forgets its WO) thats beacuse if you are cheat accuse you, you can send demo!

No map Laging like MapAbuse and so on! no boost on listen! or whatching under flying box on nuke!

All clans has to be ready 10 min before match.

Everybody has to idle #clanut at mIRC/IRC

No whining! Be Ripe!!

If it should be 12 - 12 its MR3

Group 1                      Group 2

UT                               UF

Shake                          AD

 PPP                         McKeso




20:00       G2: AD vs McKeso           G1: PPP vs Shake    Map: Dust2

21:00       G2: McKeso vs UF            G1:Shake vs UT      Map: Dust2

22:00       G2: UF vs AD                    G1:UT vs PPP         Map: Dust2




23:00         Group2: 1st place vs Group1: 2nd  Map:Nuke        




00:00        Map:Aztec


GL HF from The Unknown



Design By  The Unknown
Copyright 2003 - Unknown Target