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Dice Rules and Guidelines.

~Dice is the only style of fighting within the Scarlet Unicorn (SU). It is a style of fighting were both opponets take turns rolling the dice, slowly trying to take away eachother's Hit Points.(HP). Each Death Match must be judged by a certified DM. At the beginning of each match, players must roll the dice (d10) to see whom goes first. The highest number goes first.


  • DM: Player 1 Roll To See Whom Goes First
  • Player 1: Roll d10
  • DiceBot: Player 1 Rolled a 10
  • DM: Player 2 Roll
  • Player 2: Roll d10
  • DiceBot: Player 2 Rolled a 7
  • DM:Player 1 Makes First Move

    ~After both players roll the dice, the one with the highest number will go first. They can either attack or heal. (Healing will be explained further on down.)

    EXAMPLE: =-An Attack-=

  • DM: Player 1 , Attack or Heal
  • Player 1: would run towards Player Two throwing his/her fist upwards in attempt of hitting him/her in the cheek.

    ~After the action is made the player would then roll the d20 dice. This will determine the hit. If it is 13 or higher, a regular hit is made. If it is 18/19 it is double the points. If it is a perfect 20, it is double the maximum of the dice being rolled.

    EXAMPLE: -Successful Attack- Regular Hit

  • DM: Player 1 , Attack or Heal
  • Player 1: Attacks by attempting to slam his face into Player 2 face hard
  • Player 1: Roll d20
  • DiceBot: Player 1 Rolls a 15
  • Player 1: Roll d6
  • DiceBot: Player 1 Rolls a 5
  • DM: Five points taken from Player 2's HP.

    EXAMPLE: -Successful Attack- Double Points

  • DM: Player 1 , Attack or Heal.
  • Player 1: Attempt to throw his foot into Player 2's chest.
  • Player 1: Roll d20
  • DiceBot: Player one Rolls a 19
  • Player 1: Roll d6
  • DiceBot: Player 1 rolls a 3
  • DM: 6 points taken from Player 2's HP.

    EXAMPLE: -Successful Attack- Perfect 20. (d6 die)

  • DM: Player 1 , Attack or Heal.
  • Player 1: Brings his dagger down hard towards Player 2's arm. Player 1: Roll d20
  • Dice Bot: Player 1 rolls a 20.
  • DM: 12 Points taken from Player 2's HP.

    EXAMPLE: - Missed Attack- Below 13

  • DM: Player 1 , Attack or Heal.
  • Player 1: Leaps up, extending his foot towards Player 2's face, trying to connect.
  • Player 1: Roll d20
  • Dice Bot: Player 1 Rolls a 12
  • DM: Miss.

    ~Players can try to heal themselves, but only once during a match. If you roll the dice and miss, it is your loss, you may not try to heal again. The roll of the dice effects how many HP you get back. Just like in an attack, if you roll 13-17 you get the amount the dice is rolled. If you roll 18-19 You get double the amount. If you roll a Perfect 20, you get two times the maximum amount. Also. If a player gets a heal worth more than there HP, it will still be added, for this battle only.

    EXAMPLE: =-Successful Heal-=

  • DM: Player 1 , Attack or Heal.
  • Player 1: Attempts to cast white magic upon himself, healing his wounds. Player 1: Roll d20 Dice Bot: Player 1 rolls a 15
  • Player 1: Roll d6
  • Dice Bot: Player one rolls a 3
  • DM: Player 1's HP is revived by 3 HP's. Player 1 May no longer use "Heal"

    ~Critical Miss. A Critical Miss is when a player rolls a 1 on the d20. If this happens the item that was being used can no longer be used. If they roll a 1 on a heal, it automatically restores 3 HP to the other perons.

    EXAMPLE: =-Critical Miss, Attack-=

  • DM: Player 1, Attack or Heal.
  • Player 1: Brings his sword down towards Player 2's chest.
  • Player 1: roll d20
  • Dice Bot: Player 1 rolls a 1
  • DM: Critical Miss! Player 1's sword is broken and is not able to be used.

    EXAMPLE: =-Critical Miss, Heal-=

  • DM: Player 1, Attack or Heal.
  • Player 1: Casts a spell of white magic to heal his wounds.
  • Player 1: roll d20
  • Dice Bot: Player 1 rolls a 1
  • DM: Critical Miss! Player 1's spell had no effect on him/her, but raised Player 2's HP by 3 HP.

    Please, look at the HP and Dice Levels for more information.

    ~Xanth Navigation~

    The Inn Rules {} The Staff {} Inn Layout {} Laws of Battle {} Char/Families of Xanth {} Rules of Dice {} HP Level Guide {} Character Statistics