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I can't begin to understand why, 
Innocent children have to die. 
At the hands of men who have no heart, 
Who shouldn't be parents from the start. 
Their anger they haven't learned to control, 
And it's the innocent child who feels the toll. 
Their tears will soon have to dry, 
As they are forced to grow up before our eyes. 
The hurt they have to hide is so deep, 
That their only peace is when they sleep. 
They are shy, quiet, and don't quite fit in, 
To be born into this world is their only sin. 
Why allow their lives to be taken before their time? 
I'll never understand it, It boggles my mind. 
How much pain can a child really stand, 
At the forceful hands of an angry man? 
It's time we stop this brutal crime, 
Before our Children run out of time. 

Author: Unknown


From An Abanded Heart
No One Hears
It Was No use
It Was Too Late

No One Helps
It Was To Late
It Wasn't Fate

The Lonely Child
No One's Around
Cruel Is What Happened
Abusive Is The Words

It's To Late
She's Gone Forever
Sympathy Wasn't Shown.

Author: Unknown

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