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AlbrechtDürer The modern world is in a spiritual crisis. We are living in an age of moral bankruptcy, where everything is about having and not about being. This subject was fully exposed in Erich Fromm?s book ?To Have or To Be?. This alone is reason enough for us to go back to the beginning of our roots and may be discover what is missing in our lives. We must take time for books and philosophy. Philosophy is an adventure in time. Exploit past centuries and make the ancient philosophers your friends. Their way of life is better for us than what the moderns are teaching nowadays. There is a long stretch of time in which you can roam. Go back two thousand years and meet Socrates, Epicurus and the Stoics. Live according to nature by following the emperor Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, the Stoic. Why limit your mind in our age, when you can go to a boundless region and share the knowledge of people who were better than us. These ancients are always home, they will never send you away without making you happier and more contented with yourself, they will never leave you empty handed, and they are accessible day and night. Of such value are the works of Seneca in his Letters to Lucilius, Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations and Epictetus in his Manual on the ancient doctrine of Stoicism. In more modern times, you can read Albert Camus? The Rebel, and learn about metaphysical and historical rebellion. Voltaire?s Philosophical Dictionary covering various subjects from Adultery to Virtue. Erich Fromm, for deep psychological insights about the modern world and its problems; explained in a clear language anyone can easily understand. You can find information about these books on this website, by browsing to the philosophy section. Welcome and enjoy your search!


MarcusAurelius Classical Music is one of the greatest achievements in the history of music. It has the power to relax the mind and give meaning & enjoyment to our life. These are listings of great classical music from my personal collection. It has taken years & long hours to pick & choose the best that classical music has to offer. All classical music is good, from symphonies to string quartets, and best of all are the spiritually uplifting religious masses. This website will feature mostly classical music, because of its timelessness & high value. You can find listings of religious Masses, Requiems, Medieval music & anything containing classical Latin words. It will cover all ages from Early Music to Modern 20th Century. If your main interest is classical music, you will find a listing of interesting Compact Discs currently in the market. There is nothing for sale on this website. It is for information only. Welcome & have a good time browsing!

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