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General Rules


1) No Touching: Period. All combat and physical interaction must be handled through dice or othr abstract systems. Players must never strike, grapple or otherwise touch anyone during the game. It is the Storytellers' responsibility to call a time-out if one or more players get overly rambunctious.
2) No Weapons: Props such as hats, period dress and canes are great in a live-action game. Weapons aren't. Period. No knives, swords and nothing that even remotely resembles a firearm. Don't even bring fake swords, squirt guns, or foam-rubber weapons. If your character must carry a 'weapon': take a 3"x5" card and write "gun" or "sword" or whatever on it; during combat challenges, present the card to the Storyteller; whom will adjudicate it's use in play.
3) Play In a Designated Area: Live-action is meant to be played in the home or other predesignated spot. Don't involve bystanders in the game, and make sure eveyrone in the area or who passes through the area understands exactly what you're doing. A game can look disturbing, even frightening, to those who aren't aware of what is going on. Don't try to shock or intimidate passersby; this is not only immature, but could also lead to well-deserved prosecution.
4) Know When To Stop: If the Storyteller calls for a time-out, or other break in the action, stop immediately. The Storyteller is still the final arbitrator of all events in the game. Likewise, when the game is over for the night, take out your fangs and call it a night.
5) It Is Only a GAME: Live-action is for having fun. If a rival wins, if a character dies, if a plan goes awry, it's not the end of the world. Sometimes folks like to get together outside the game and talk about it - say a group of players who form a neonate coterie gather to complain about their sires over pizza- and there's nothing wrong with that. But calling your clanmate up at four in the morning to ask for her assistance in your primogen bid is taking things too far. Remember, everyone's doing this to have fun!
6) The Bottom Line: Live-action can be one of the richest and most satisfying storytelling experiences, if handled "maturely and responsibly," folks. In live-action, you are the prop, so it is imperative that you treat yourself and others with utmost care, dignity and respect. This game is emphatically not about "real" blood-drinking, hunting, fighting or erotic activities. You are not a vampire, you only play one in the game.

From Vampire: The Masquerade
1998, White Wolf Publishing Inc.


1) All players must be fourteen years of age or older.
2) There is no charge to attend the game.