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Forum Rules

We have added this element to our site in an effort to foster a greater sense of community.

These forums are provided as a free place for players or interested individuals to exchange ideas, questions and stories about our LARP. "Free" means that you will not be charged in any way to use these forums. However, it does not mean completely unrestricted; by logging onto this forum, you affirm that you understand and agree to the following terms of use.

Offensive Content/Guidelines

"Offensive Content" has always been a difficult concept to define. Harder for the fact that we, as moderators and storytellers, try to keep an open view of criticism regarding our game and website. While it is beyond our capabilities to list EVERY specific example of what we consider "Offensive Content," we believe that we are all mature enough to follow these simple guidelines.

-Racist remarks
-Excessive profanity
-Sexual harassment
-Religous persecution
-Remarks that serve no substantial purpose other than to antagonize another person
-Bigoted remarks
-Soliciting or advertising
-Posting personal information about another individual without the express permission of said individual.
-The purposeful posting of false information. Opinions are welcome but outright lies are libelous.
-Posts that contain sexually explicit language
-Posts that are designed to cause some technical problem for the system.
-Posts that are specifically meant to test the limits of what is "Offensive Content."
-Posting links to sites which violate any of the terms of use.

We, as the moderators of this site, reserve the right to judge any post by any person as offensive.

At this time, all postings on the Forum are to be considered out of character; taking any information from these forums and using it in character will be considered meta-gaming.

Anything that is not relevant to multiple members of the community should be discussed via email, or in game.


Each breakage of any of the above will result in being given a warning. With the second warning, the poster will be put on a 2 week suspension from posting privileges. Upon the fourth such warning, the poster will be suspended for another two weeks, with the consideration of a permanent ban. Only the moderaters have the authority to suspend or ban a poster.

The moderators reserve the right to suspend any poster's posting privileges for one week, regardless of that poster's warning total, for actions considered deplorable. During that one week, the reason for the suspension will be put under intense scrutiny, and a final decision will be announced at the end of the suspension.

A thread entitled "Forum Warnings" will be in the forum. Please refer there for the status of any ban or suspension, as well as information on all warnings given.

Any and all warnings, bans or suspensions may be protested at any time. If you have concerns over any moderator's actions towards you or another poster you have the right and resonsibility to protest it. Please make all such protests via email.

These guidelines are put in place to protect you, the community, so your input is always appreciated. Please feel free to voice comments here at any time, or through email to any of the moderators.


Jon F. :
David B. :
Chris W. :

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