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Please email any things you believe should be added to this list.

- Create a character with the intent of being a part of a
whole. Think of your character as a cog in the wheel that is
the city in which it lives.  Don't play a loner and expect lots 
of interaction and plot to come your way. In a Sabbat game, a 
Lasombra is a cog. A Tzimisce is a cog. A Kiasyd is a monkey wrench.
- Understand that stereotypes exist for a reason. Ventrue do
not embrace rabble rousers. Tremere do not embrace potential
- Learn the rules. Once more, learn the rules. You should
not need to look up the effects of Dread Gaze every time you
use it.
- Memorize as much of your character sheet as possible. You
shouldn’t have to stop play to pull out your character sheet
every time someone throws a challenge your way. Memorize at
least three attributes from each category.
- Before each session, read your entire character sheet. If
you come across an aspect that you cannot immediately define
in terms of system or how to role-play, look it up.
- If you want to get someone else to do something, role-play
the discussion. If you do not achieve the desired results
and think you should have, then, and only then, bid a trait
and make a challenge.
- Do not, ever, ever, ever, just walk up to another player
and say, “I’m hitting you with a mental challenge.” Doing
this is in direct violation of role-playing and the rules.
If you are going to rip the blood from that Malk that made a
fool of your Regent in Court that night, say, “I am
Knowledgeable in the arcane method of Theft of Vitae.” Do it
right or don’t do it.
- At least attempt to look like your character. 
- Accept your fate. If you are about to die, take it like an
adult. If a Storyteller rules that you cannot do something
in a situation, accept it and move on. If your Storyteller
is making an obviously unfair ruling, then do yourself a
favor, let them make that ruling, then, talk to them on the
side about how you feel you were hosed. If you cannot agree
on that, leave.
- Do not put up with a bad Storyteller. I have learned it is
better to not play than to play in a game that sucks.
- You are responsible for your character while the
Storyteller is responsible for the environment. If your
character does something that affects the environment,
accept the repercussions. If you rob a liquor store and you
picture from a security camera shows up on the ten o’clock
news, leading the Prince to killing your character for
breaching the masquerade, take it. Don’t bitch about the ST
screwing you, just shut the fuck up and take it.
- Just because it is listed in a book does not mean the
Storyteller must allow it.
- If you only memorize one trait on your entire character
sheet, memorize your Nature. If you have been playing the
character for more than ten minutes and you need to look up
your nature, bad player.
- If you have a beef with your Storyteller, do the right
thing. Talk to them, away from others. If they won’t talk to
you, tell them that they may not want others to hear what
you are about to say. If they do not listen, leave. Do not
bad mouth the person that is taking time out of their busy
life in order to provide you with an evenings entertainment.
- Help the staff of the game and do not expect XP’s for you
troubles. Donate a buck to offset the cost of ink or web
hosting. Help carry boxes to and from the ST’s car.