Welcome to Rising Sun Samurai Live Action Roleplaying/ historical re-enactment

Free membership - and our rulebook and history links..

About Tamiko Hiratasuka

Our samurai history database

Members message forum

Free link swaps

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Rising Sun is a new group based in Devon, UK, please forgive us that the website is still under construction. =bow= If you have queries, not already answered on the website please email Tamiko Hiratasuka for a prompt reply.

Rising Sun is a group created by some film students from Southwest England. The aims of Rising Sun is to meet a bunch of people who enjoy similar things, do some LARPGs (we will set one up as soon as we have 10 members on board). The inspiration for Rising Sun was a movie, The Zen Scrolls made by two of these film students after spending an afternoon messing about in the backyard being samurai - you can find out the latest on the film from the link above.

In conjunction with Rebel Films each LARP game will be filmed and made into a reputable chambara movie, so if you have ever wanted to look like you have stepped from the pages of Lone Wolf And Cub, now is your chance.

Membership is free, the only charge we may have to make is if anyone decides to charge us for use of land for playing on. Then we will share the cost equally.

The other stipulation we do have for membership is that you must be over 16, or 18 for live action. I hasten to add this is not because we are doing anything "adult" or Xrated - thats banned in this club, but you do need to understand your history, and be a responsable adult, as considered by English law.