Some of my favorite bad guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some helpfull sites and some funny!!!!!

bob and stu strike back real kool site go to it you might like it!!!click here
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I know that I had previosly had the same links on the first page but the sites are kooool! So visit them and if you e-mail me and tell me how my site is coming along I would appreciate it. Sorry that I didn't update sooner but ya know how it goes just to damn lazy!!! I will probly get a lot more pictures as the site progresses. Well if like anything I say or you want to see more of one thing then e-mail me I rarely take requests so your fucking lucky. Don't let this fool you being nice is easier than being an evil person so naturally I will take the easy way out. My favorite animals are the Chimera and the Lion, Wait I take that back I like dragons' more! In my point the most powerful creatures ever. Well I should have polls soon but no garentes, so my personally I think my 2nd page turned out ok. Just to show you I am evil if you don't like my site you are going to spontaniastly combust and in the firey mist I will appeare and take you to hell for a most torterosum and painful death over and over and over again!!!!!!!(sounds fun huh?)

In the long run I will have pics. & other stuff so just chill there will be a joke section and a place to make fun of people lol if you want me to put a joke of yours on the site just e-mail me and put your name and I will put it on the site

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If you have a bad guy you want me to publish on this site then by all means e-mail me and tell me some info.


There has been a lot of contreversy about Vlad Dracula the story goes that he was a ruthlass warrior and king he was killed in battle several times but before they could bury him he would misteriosly come back to life just to kill millions in war and die with a hit over the head his wife killed hersealf from claims that she heard voices jumped off the castle to land in a rocky creack bed with about an inch of flowing water when they all got to the bottom so that they could bary her she had misteriosly dissapeared Vlad had supposidly killed his brother and a catholic preist I know he killed them but they had stabbed and burnt him to death in the chapel and nailed his coffin shut but when the preist came by praying to get rid of his evil spirit he seen the coffin open and stopped praying he said he saw Vlad before he died of naturall causes a hard attack but who would have heard that he saw Vlad there was no one in the room except him and a supposedly dead vlad so he went told a freind the story and then killed his brother a crusader in the arab army with his army then and now still living on!!!! OH AND HEY GOT THE BLOODSUCKING ACT FROM HIS WINE CELLAR IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WINEBOTTLES FULL OF THE BLOOD FROM ALL OF HIS ENEMYS NO ONE KNOWS IF HE DRANK IT!!!!