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Lynn is now working with at-risk kids in a program established this year. These kids need our help. Click on camp for more information.


Lynn is a Native American/Spanish decent. She has been married for 25 years and has four children. Lynn is a CHA (Association for Horsemanship, Safety and Education) certified trainer. She has been teaching riding skills and training horses at the Eddy Ranch in Boulder Creek, California, from 1992 to June 2000. She and her husband were responsible for managing the Eddy Ranch in 1996 and 1997. Lynn is currently the Director of the Equestrian Program and Summer Camp at Monte Vista Christian School (grades 7-12) in Watsonville, California.

Lynn has instructed both children and adults, but is known for her special skills in working with the mentally or physically challenged. Her gentle, patient, but firm approach to instruction has enabled her to be successful working with troubled youth and horses.

Lynn has selected and directed the participants for the Santa Cruz County Fair Colorguard since 1994. She is on the committee of the Santa Cruz County Horse Show. Lynn also speaks at local elementary schools sharing family stories about early California and the Spanish Ranchos.

Lynn also attended Bethany Bible College taking classes in family counseling for the Santa Cruz Crisis Hot Line, and for three years has been 4-H leader for Boulder Creek Horse Project.

While her family was growing up, Lynn had the opportunity to develop her extraordinary artistic talents, and a piece of artwork she sent President Carter during the Israel-Egypt peace talks received a letter of commodation, and has been included in President Carter's personal collection.

Lynn has been an active member of New Life Center in Santa Cruz for the past 21 years. She has taught Sunday School, sang in the prison ministry band, been a spiritual counselor to women in the church, and is currently singing with the worship team.

Our goal is to achieve a safe, enjoyable riding environment for you and your horse.

Please give us a call at: (831) 728-8608 and ask for Lynn Reed

or email for more information:


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