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*Redz Page*

All about me

A little about me: I go to North Caroline High School in Caroline County MD.******************************** ******************************************************* I live in Bursville which is in Caroline county if you didn't already know that. *full of rednecks* Which is not me am more close to *punk* but not quite i have my own style.******************************************** ******************************************************* My relationship life sucks*dumped* lets just say that when i get a relationship to last 1 or 2 months i get dumped! Reasons for being dumped are usually:(dumped for someone else or he has to much sit happening or whatever!) Other reasons haven't found out yet!******** ******************************************************* When girls look for a guy they usually want good looks,someone to sweep them off their feet,(a total hunk,heart trob)************************************** * To me those type of guys are full of them selfs, have no brains, and are complete total jurks.********** ******************************************************* ** I look for personility rather than looks! I look for someone who will be there for me when i need him and wants me around when he needs me. Holds me tight,talks to me about things bothering him or just anything, brings me along sometimes with friends.****** ******************************************************* But I haven't found the right guy yet, but maybe i have already and i might have let him get away or maybe let him leave me! I don't know but you'll never know love till you've been hurt and believe me i have been hurt by two guys Aaron who's left and moved on and Will who is still there as a friend right now!

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