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||| Environmental Protection Agency Representative ||| Doctor ||| Business Owner |||American Citizen||| Our Conclusion ||| Our Sources |||
The US government is considering placing sanctions on SCS Technologies, Inc., because of its monoply in the technology industry. The development and production of these technologies depend upon redox reactions. The question is whether or not the sanctions should be carried out.

We've gathered the thoughts and concerns of an environmentalist, a doctor, a business owner, and your average American citizen. These specialists have informed us on some of the effects the potential sanctions could have. Their insights have led us to our own conclusion, which we are to present to the United States Government. The links above will reveal the perspectives of our four professionals, along with our own personal opinion. Before we go any further, however, let's take a look at what redox reactions actually are...

Redox reactions, also know as oxidation-reduction reactions, are reversible chemical reactions in which one reaction is an oxidation and the other is a reduction. They involve the transfer of electrons between atoms or molecules. Here is an example of a redox reaction and its half reactions:

2Mg + O2 -----> 2MgO

Mg -----> Mg2+ + 2e-

O + 2e- -----> O2-

Redox Reactions are ubiquitous, which means they're occurring all around us. In doing so, they directly effect our households, the medical field, the business world, and our environment. Redox reactions have many practical applications which you will soon learn.

Created by Lauren and Mikala
Mrs. Walsh's Freshmen Honors Chemistry Project 2003