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Hey! This is just a reminder to you that God loves you and that He will never leave or forsake you. He loves you so much that he sent His one and only son to die a sinners death so that you would not have to. No matter how far you think that you have walked away from God, he is always there, just one step back.

to Redeagles2005 website

to Redeagles2005 website

A little info about me

Hey my name is Jonathan Sharp. I am a Christian, and I believe that God sent His one and only Son to die on the Cross for my sins, so that I might be able to have what I do not deserve, which is eternal life.

To learn more about my beliefs Click Here.

I am a junior at Bluffton College, which is a small Christian college in northwest Ohio. I am a Youth Ministry and Recreation major. I will be looking forward to becoming a youth pastor for the career that I have choosen for my life.

Some of my hobbies include reading the Left Behind Series, hanging out with my friends, playing racquetball, playing paintball, rollerblading, and just enjoying the day that I have been given by God.

To learn more about my college life: Click here

My hometown is Columbus Oh, and in Hilliard lives the most wonderful person in the entire world. We have been going out for 26 months or 2 year and 2 months. It has been the most wonderful time of my entire life. Our relationship started out as best friends and even though I wasn’t around for the first few months because of my choice in college, we have been growing closer with God, and closer together. Well if you would like to talk then you can IM me at Redeagle2005 on AIM.

If you would like to know about me then Click here

About my friends.

My Quotes page.
