Phil & Kris's Web Pagežši˜§šiîEmBIN€‚j* Phil & Kris's Web Page.
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The Recker Family Website

*Created by Phil & Kris Recker

Points of Interest

Drew's Baby Pictures!!

Mike & Emily's Wedding Page

Phil & Kris's Wedding Pictures



Please e-mail us with any ideas or comments that you have for this web page.

It's hard to believe... Drew will be one month old on Friday, Febuary 7th.

Andrew Aiden Recker was born at 7:51 AM on January 7th, 2003. Despite being 3 weeks early, Drew was still 7 lbs 4 ozs. and 18 3/4 inchs long.


I have added pictures of two week old Drew on the baby picture page.

Mike and Emily have created their own website to keep everyone updated on the details of their wedding. For any information, including where to stay in Cape Cod, click on the link to the left

As for us, we have our hands full with the arrival of our little boy Drew. Drew is 1 month old as of Febuary 7th... hard to believe! Our lives now revolve around the little man. He eats, sleeps, and cries on his schedule - not ours. And every once in awhile he reminds us how sweet he can be by smiling or cooing. As for me, I am back to work full time and have been getting some decent sleep. Kris, on the other hand, has spent many long nights trying to get the little man to sleep.

Shortly after Drew was born we had some Grandmas visit. My mom, Paulette, came in to town the Saturday after Drew was born and was great help. She prepared many good meals, took care of Drew in the day time to allow Kris to get some sleep, and helped keep the house clean. We were sorry to see her leave. Kris's mom, Judy, and her friend Mike came into town the Sunday after my mom left. Judy and Mike were also a great help. Judy took over night duty while she was in town and Kris was finally able to get a full nights rest. Well now is the real test since everyone has come and gone. We'll let you know how it goes.

If you have any info that you'd like to share with the family, use the link at the left to e-mail me and I'll make sure to add it.

Just in case your wondering, this site is still under construction. Time is at a premium now that Drew is with us, so be patiant. The web site will still have many updates and changes.
