Last updated: October 9th - A new poem and a lovely romantic short story! Oh! I got a review on it ::sigh:: I adore reviews, you know ~.^ "This is exquisite. I loved this piece. Wonderful, eloquent descriptions -- I was enchanted. What a gift you have! More -- I want to read more!" Thank you, Judith, whoever you are!

Oh my gosh! This could be my favorite layout I've ever made ::huggles the cute little cheerleader:: Lookit all the lines! They look marvelous! And the cheerleader! My school colors, man! This pink text is pointless beyond my own super-cute mood at the moment. I degraded myself to ::shudder:: Frontpage to get all the tables and such to work out. But me likes ^_^
Much different then the dark hodge-podge look it ahd before, ne? Much better. More unified. Lotsa lines everywhere ~.^And best of all.... 100% MY creation! Just me and Paintshop, man, no inspiration but my own raw creative power!


