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[+:::+::: ~ Once Upon A Time In Raraland ~ :::+:::+]
Wednesday, 22 September 2004

Mood:  down
Now Playing: 'Mi Blenda' by Damian Marley..
Topic: body 'n' mind..
Time : 6.39 pm
Venue : At home

Shucks..not at a time like this..wah kaozzz..sick sick damn sick sia..ergh..running short, i tink i got the flu..asshole..juz when all the projects n tests all coming like machine guns..

Chatting wif Qian on MSN rite now..she mood i guess..cos i told her i saw Zackie in skool today..i mean, i am innocent seh..haiz..didn't noe she will turn all moody after i told her about that..but duh..i reali didn't noe mah..Rara..maintain man..haf to gif in arh..

*Sumone sms me!!!*

- To all GI members, Zhong Xi; abt the interview wif one insurance company, pls ask your IPP staff. Nura; write up a short intro of travel insurance and Jacqualine; pls hurry wif the survey form. Our meeting will be on tomoro after the test..Jacqualine will be excused for medical check-up -

Cheeeey!!!..i tot who seh..haiz..project project shit..*bang wall*..after one finish, another one on the damn pissed!!!..sadded sia..n guess wat?..'godbro' didn't sms me since yesterday afternoon..hmmm..sumthing wrong sumwhere huh..if he neve contact me today n tomoro oso, haiz, i got it lah..i'm being used ba..he got his his Emily the Strange wallet..*roll eyes*..

Guess i'm plain stupid..that's y..anyways, i slept at 2 plus yesterday..had confrens call wif Wan, Raihah, Max (woohoo..hehe..), Hamzah, Izat (Wan's fren), Isyak (Wan's fren), n Din!!!..ahaha..

Wah seh this Din..yesterday hor, i was on the way home..n anywayz, yesterday didn't attend my was a one hour guest speaker talk after coming to skool for PFP project for about an hour or so, i went to Qian's house..(lied to mom that i was at Hougang Point wif Wan..muahaha)..

Okk..back to the main i was on the bus arh..then Din smsed me, 'Eh!..neve go MSN?'..hahaha..he miss me arh?..*blush* i said i on the way home lor..reached home around 11, n sis was signing in to the comp..n i was like (-_-")..lasap lor..i got in MSN for a while n informed Din that i will call him since i can't use the comp..then around 12 plus he joined the confrens call wif us.. wat shall i blog about huh?..anyways, Qian seems much better now..good..hehe..n oh yah, my henfon's my henfon bill details :

Local Airtime Call Charge - $99.67
Off Peak - $43.55 (435.5 mins) [wat the hell?!?!]
Peak - $56.12 (280.6 mins) [another wat the hell?!?!]
SmartMessage - $103.60 (2072 messages) [oh my god lor..]

How?..nice eyes almoz popped out seeing my talktime..goodness sia..had a short 'meeting' wif parents juz now..they gonna cut cut cut my allowance *sob sob*..n besides that, i haf to pay abit oso!?!..n next week!!!..aiseh man..needa go do project at Haagen Daaz as mystery shopper de..shit lor..gif me the place so ex one..ass ass ass..

Alrite..tink i log off for now..haha..i seem to be energetic when i m

7.38 pm

PS : Here's an act-cute pic of me..hehe..

Posted by falcon/rara_forever at 10:58 AM EDT
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