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[+:::+::: ~ Once Upon A Time In Raraland ~ :::+:::+]
Tuesday, 5 October 2004
Once a scandal..always a scandal..
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: 'Cinderella' by Tata Young..
Time : 2.36 am
Venue : At home..

Sheesh..feeling kinda sleepy..acheli I'M VERY SLEEPY!!!..*ergh*..but i promised myself i'm gonna post an entry today..damn ass seh..*bang wall 10 times*..keke..

Hmmm..i'm chatting wif an online fren..i noe he's attached rite now, but he is acting blur sia..wat the heeeell..wateve lah eh..not my biz..i 'learnt' abt his 'affair' in when he was bored juz now n wanted me to call him, i told him y don't he call his Garfield..(he calls his gf Garfield, according to his gf's testimonial for him..n she calls him Oddie..) he's asking me like siao wat do i reali meant by calling up Garfield bla bla bla..act blur sia..padahal padahal..haiz..

N eiks..i finally updated my profile in goes..

* * * * *
Well well well..i guess it's time for me to update my 'About Me' column..hmmm..err..erm..donoe wat to put seh..lazy to

Aiya..ok lah..i'm lazy..haf to admit..never bother to tutorials..n my projects, wah kaoz, all last minit case..(-_-")..n oh my god lor, now i'm so damn busy wif..err..not skool, but my social life..can't seem to find a day where i can sit still at home n do my work my room now is basically like a tornado swept twice..geez..once swept aredi so jia lat, so twice will be like..gosh..haha..all my tutorials n lecture notes all hidden under my bed de..(will get them out before my exams..promise..)

Still got wat seh..donoe kind of person very easy to get bullied..*sob sob*..sometimes it doesn't reali matter, as long as i can make them happy..very naive..believe pple easily..i don't reali like pple to 'hate' me..not nice i tend to gif in alot..

My all time favrit phrase..'Wat the hell..' trademark seh..haha..always kena make classmates, for donoe wateve reason, call me 'Fatimah'..n that's like =_=..haha..n eh, i acheli love singing de..hope one day my talent kena recognised..wahaha..dreaming even when i'm not sleeping sia..keke..

Wat else..hmm..i don't get angry easily..i guess all my frens noe that..provoke me all u want, but if i'm angry, i will juz keep quiet..worst come to worst, i will juz vent my anger at my blog lor..there too many vulgarities aredi..haha..^_^

No goals in life as for one day at a time..never set high expectations on myself..n be it on my life or pple around me..juz thankful the way it is..i juz need to feel appreciated..that's all..juz feel taken for granted sumtimes..

Been thru lots of ups n now i'm acheli kinda tired wif the way life i tend to go wif the flow..main priority is living life to the fullest..n hopefully, one day, i can meet my knight in shining armour.. >.<

* * * * * entry for now is everything about my beloved scandal..geez..beloved sak..keke..hmm..well..donoe how shud i start..n lemme side-track abit..juz read Rai's blog a few minits back..terkekek jugak when i read her blog..almoz every entry got my name..haha..n i guess i was the one who influenced her to start a blog..i donoe..i mite be wrong..she managed to type so many entries in one day..wooo..power to the max..ahaha..of cos lah..pple neve go skool..stay at home do blog..siaoz..haha..sorry ar Rai..main2 je..keke..n aiya more person noes about my blog, so that means, one person less to criticise liao..>.<..haha..

Kk..back to my scandal huh..hmmm..i'm that kind of person who can tink out - of - the - box in uncertain situations one to explain..ok arh..juz now rite after i reach skool at around 2.30, scandal smsed me where i m..i replied..then he asked me wat time will i finish..i told him i m having project discussion now, n so, will finish at 6, juz rite before lecture..n hey, i went for GI lect!!!

Ok..tinking out - of - the box situation, for normal circumstances, u mite wonder y he suddenly sms me rite..well..for me, although he didn't tell me, i knew, he acheli wanted to meet me before he meet his gf..well, let's not say meet, that mite seem 'innocent' on his side, so i'm gonna put it as, he wants me to accompany him before he meets his gf..full-stop..

Noe y i noe?..cos i remembered, there was one incident on a Tuesday, he said he finish skool at 4 de..n his fren (his gf now), will finish at 5..n he needs me to accompany him while cos he will be meeting her..BINGO!..there u go..clever rite..

N..hmmm..juz now after lecture, i went to eat dinner wif Qian at Long John at after eating, we walk around Northpoint..*yawn*..ehehe..then around 9.30, scandal smsed me asking where i m..i told him i m at Northpoint..(scandal stays at Khatib..)....then he asked me whether i was serious n wat was i doing there n wif who..answered his qns n then he asked me wat time will i be going back..i told him soon, n then he asked me whether i will be taking train or bus back..after telling train, he asked me whether i wanna meet for a while..i told him i'm fine wif anything, n i asked him where to meet..

So after about almoz 10 minits, he replied..n damn, was i kinda pissed..he old me he was aredi in a cab so precisely he can't meet me, n told me to go straight home..(-_-")..bastard rite..haiz..but sumthing in me aredi tell me i won't be meetin him it was kind of expected..but still..haiz..he is always like that..heart pain sia..donoe wat he treat me as..ya i noe..i m his scandal..once a scandal, always a scandal..knn rite..but who the hell will he consult if he got probs? down or wat, who will he confide in? wat rite..haiya Rara..y seh u kena treated like this..

N this is not the 1st time he did that to me..once, he promised me that he will fetch me from skool during his term break..but did he? even one day..well ok, i wasn't reali particular about that..but tell u, even for our 1st meeting, it was postphoned for like, hmmm, thrice?..geez..n we were supposed to go out for one whole day, end up, met him for less than 4 hours goes the same to our subsequent meetings..all lasting, well, not even an hour..all these meetings confirm got 'agenda' de, pass disc lah, pass wallet lah..haiz..never ever we met once juz for the sake of spending time together..kinda sad..

I aredi told him to 'let me off'..can't i juz be his godsis?..spare me the torture sia..but he dowan..i reali donoe wat he wants from me..on one hand, he said he wants his current relationship wif his gf to be an everlasting one, else wud he wanna keep me?..he said he love me more than a sis..wat the hell is the world coming to?..

Wat the hell wat the hell?!?!?..gosh..i reali don't understand this fella man..

From my observation, hmmm, well, before he met me, he used to chat wif me on the fone quite frequently..everyday to be exact..after he met me, not so frequently, but, every call can last donoe how many hours..then, since he got his new gf, well, i kena abandoned..he will sms me only after he get back home or wat..haiz..

Scandal will always be scandal..can't deny that..

3.43 am

Posted by falcon/rara_forever at 3:18 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 12:51 AM EDT
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