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[+:::+::: ~ Once Upon A Time In Raraland ~ :::+:::+]
Monday, 27 September 2004
So unlucky seh .. ;'(
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: 'Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu' by Ou De Yang..(acheli it's from Chun Siak's blog..hehe)
Time : 2.13 pm
Venue : In skool's lab..

Ergh..yesterday hor..terrible day for me..juz as i tot everything was going on well..alrite..yesterday i went to Orchard wif Qian arh..then it's like, we were supposed to meet at 2.30 de, but Qian set the time as 2 so that i will not be late..>.<..terrible sia..muahaha..

So i was in the bus at 2.20 plus, reaching YCK MRT station n i was kinda kancheong waiting for Qian's sms cos she told me to reach there by 2 mah..haha..then she messaged!..uh-oh..(-_-")..but when i opened the sms, it read sumthing like, "Eh..u on the way le ar?..i will be late leh..cos my feet hurt like crazy.."..hiak hiak hiak..=?..i heaved a sigh of relief almoz immediately lor..

Qian wearing her NEW high-heels mah..haha..huo gai..weehee..then it's like i tot everything going on fine for me de..cos i came on time, 'godbro' got panicky all over me(which showed that he cared..haha..), n well, weather was a-ok..lemme side-track abit..btw, gonna change 'godbro' to scandal..starting from now!..ok..scandal gaf me a miss call while i was bathing..12.20 plus..then around 2.20 plus, he sms me, "Wat r u doing seh???"..muahahaha..evil sak lufter..then i say i going town bla bla bla..then he asked wif who..i said wif my gerl fren lah..then he replied sumthing like, "I always haf to worry for u.."..bla bla, wateve..he haf other gerls to worry for alrite..

Ok..back to the story..then i met Qian in the MRT..n i was like luffing at her misfortune lor..sumore she cudn't stand properly..haha..then at Orchard MRT rite, we sat one side while she put plasters on her last toe..erm..last toes..(errr..donoe whether there's such a thing called last toes anot..)..kk..then i was swinging my leg while giggling at her lah then suddenly, my stupid right slipper flung out..n i was like..OH GOSH!!!..did it juz flung out for fun, or or worst fear came true..the kiap-kiap thingy of my slipper snapped..wat the hell..then we were luffing like hell i tell u..misfortune sia..sumore both like almoz the same situation..related to our stupid shit seh..felt sucky all over..

Then Qian told me, "Eh..i neve tell u this before arh..if i got bad luck hor, people around me will oso get bad luck eh..hihi.."..then she said when she was walking to MRT or wat, got one cockroach flew at her when her feet were pain like crazy, so it's like kinda dificult to shoo the cockroach her reaction was damn funny..wahaha..*oh shit..i'm giggling to the comp rite now..*..

Then hor, i used her plasters to stick the stupid slipper in place lor..both of us were like sooo scared to walk..hahaha..then we were like joking about going back home..Qian was like.."But i want my Long John.." we struggled n stumbled n rolled n crawled till we reached Far East..hahaha..that's pure exaggeration..but we struggled, erm, Qian struggled..i didn't..but she keke put up a strong front..haha..sial lah..damn funny lah..i was like asking her, "Eh Qian..still can walkanot?"..then she reply me wif a big smile, "Yes of cos..wat's wrong wif my leg?"..wahaha..then hor, it's like, our greatest wish at that time was "Wish i didn't wear this shoe today"..lasap seh..muahaha..

So after that we stayed at Long John till 5 plus cos neither of us wanted to get up..took quite a alot of pics using my fone while we were there, n i muz say, i didn't noe i can look that cute!!! post up some of the pics'm so obsessed wif maself..*gasp*..i thick-skinned sia..hahaha..then we walked slowly all over Far East n decided to go Wisma..took such a long time to reach there..we acheli wanted to go Esplanade de, but considering our pathetic state, heck lor..i bold the word 'pathetic' cos, we r reali so kelian..hahaha..

Then after walking at Wisma, we sat at the Mac there..chit chat n eat deserts..n this Qian still haf the cheek to go Charles & Keith..lasap seh..haha..then we tried on the shoes there..amusing sight if an observer were to notice us..when i m trying my shoes, Qian will cover my pathetic slippers, n when she is trying hers, i will block her feet..haha..her toes r basically plastered all over..

Then, we went home lor..we kinda slept in the MRT..when the MRT was at Bishan rite, i aredi like stood up to test whether my slippers still 'can take it' anot..n oops..kinda flimsy..n i was abit afraid that the strap will come off..then this Qian kept reassuring me that nothing will happen i oso bo-chap lor..but then hor, while walking at the MRT, i got this feeling that something bad will happen sia..cos furthermore, it was becoming a harder task to walk..

Then i was slowly walking towards AMK bus-stop near the AMK Park, when out came my @#$% slippers!!!..i was like ARGH!!!..OH MY GOD LOR!!!..i donoe wat to do seh..looked down, n the stupid thing not intact paiseh..paiseh paiseh i struggled n stumbled to one corner..this one i reali struggled n stumbled lor, cos it was so difficult to walk wifout making my slipper fly..wah was an MI feat u noe..hahaha..

Then after that, i panic..donoe wat to i smsed Qian..she told me to juz take a cab..i can;t lor..for goodness sake..can't walk!!!..that;s the i smsed sis to call me a.s.a.p since she neve reply my sms..didn't noe she was swimming arh..then i smsed Ezad..he called me..said the same thing..take cab..die die i said i can't cos it was an impossible task to walk..damn it..then i told scandal to call me..he called me immediately man..>.<..i told him about the incident, n he kept saying i deserve it i deserve it..*sob sob* bad..

Then sis called, so i told him to put down..then scandal dare to sms me sumthing like, "I donoe how ur slippers got into that situation, but if i was wif u, i confirm luff like siao.."..wah bad!!!..i got abit pissed wif him..then i smsed him, "Wah bad..nvm nvm..dowan to go thru thick n thin together rite..nvm.."..then he replied back.."Sorry lah dear..i was playing only.."....then i heck..

So sis called, she told me she was swimming..that time was almoz i told her to come a.s.a.p n bring me another pair of i was like agak2 mebe she can come by 9.30..waited as if i trying to train an elephant to fly like that, n she came at 10.30..i was aredi like =_=..or +_+..any smiley that shows the more pathetic

So bla bla bla..reach home almoz at 11 lor..i can acheli reach home at 9 de leh, cos it all started at 8.30 like that when i reached AMK MRT station lor..haiz..unlucky like hell..

I tink that shud be all..haha..n erm, sumthing wrong wif my previous entry..i can't delete the pics..asssss..

Posted by falcon/rara_forever at 2:47 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 4 October 2004 12:37 AM EDT
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Monday, 27 September 2004 - 9:08 AM EDT

Name: amal

wakaka.. tak leh angkat ler.. Lol.. *mAlu2*

Monday, 11 October 2004 - 6:16 AM EDT

Name: amal

erk.. i take back my laff.. din knoe it was so tragic after reading the updated version.. =S

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