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[+:::+::: ~ Once Upon A Time In Raraland ~ :::+:::+]
Wednesday, 22 September 2004
I best fit the title ..confidant?..
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Winter Sonata Soundtrack..juz the instruments..
Time : 11.27 pm
Venue : At home..

Geez..feeling so down rite my flu n stress n everything..juz one word..miserable..haiz..n anyways, godbro called me lor..well, i tot he want out or sumthing..but he called huh..

*Btw..the time now is 2.07 am..hehe..*

Erm..juz now i slept at around 8 plus till 9 before Nurul called me..*bang wall*..cannot sleep peacefully sia..haiz..she asked me about the CRM project lor..then hor, after that cannot sleep..shit lor..i toss n turn in bed n slept for a while (i tink..heh..) when around 10.30 like that, 'godbro' called me..*woopz*..

He said he has a major problem..wif his gf..*sigh*..relationship sux..juz as i tot he n his gf's relationship will be an everlasting one..lasap lor..donoe wat to say le..but..i mean..i kinda like his in, guess this gerl reali loves him alot..n she won't like anyhow break off wif him one..can juz sense that..

N the reason being that he want a break up is that, the gal reali sort of tested's like, he's a person who can't take jokes i guess..n the gal oso another one..haiz..she n his frens go n gang up n played a joke on him wat the tootz?..she digging her own grave wifout a doubt..n till now, she still doesn't noe that she is on the way to her grave in, i guess she donoe that things will be this serious..she still doesn't noe..

Well..n u noe wat?..'godbro' sort of can't wait to break up wif his gal i tink..n guess wat?..he said there's this gal who likes him..n by the sound of it, he mite be going steady wif her..i was like..dumbfounded..i mean, i still can speak as per normal, but thoughts were running thru my mind..'Wat about me?..', 'Wat do u exactly treat me as huh?..', 'U said u love me n u r going wif another gal?..'..*sob sob*..

Kinda disappointed in, hey, i didn't exactly want him to pick me as his gal, but, u noe, m i his spare tyre or wat seh?..i mean, if he wanna be single after the break up it's fine wif me..but..aiyaaaa..u noe i noe's as if i'm invisible..that's y lah..i will neve ever be sumone's special..only sumone's sister or confidant..sad u noe..

Anyways..tink i wanna log out now..gotta do my GI project n study for my CRM test..alrity..nitez!!!

~ Bro..i miss u like crazy man..when r u coming online?.. ;'( ~

2.46 am

My favrit bear..this image meant alot to me..

Posted by falcon/rara_forever at 2:25 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 September 2004 8:48 PM EDT
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Friday, 24 September 2004 - 10:57 PM EDT

Name: amal

dearest scandal.. i hope ur feeling better rit now.. mkn obat tak? jgn tak mkn obat seh.. dah sakit2 abeh tak mkn obat.. abeh dahlah exam nak dekat.. take care of urself aite.. hav a gd rest.. and btw i love.. love.. love.. love.. the song!!! wakaka.. tot me gonna say i love u isit.. *bLuekz* take care moi scan~ lurp ya~ *mUackz* keke..

ps: err.. the 1st 1st part like love letter like dat seh.. wakaka

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