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You think you're dumb? Try going to high school again.

What the fuck is wrong with all the morons dessicrating the english language that I hear every day?? It sounds like all the wiggers have had severe strokes that seem to have only shorted out their speech centres. I try to understand the style, shirts that are WAY too big, hats crooked with a friggin' napkin underneath, pants that are so goddamned big and baggy it looks like they have a pantload that weighs them down. But why did they have to go and destroy the english language? I understand a little bit of slang, or the odd sound/jumbled up word as part of an inside joke, but when half the sound that you make when you speak comes from your nose, as if trying to say "eh?" you sound brain dead!!! Case in point, in my first period class, we have a 'hardcore ghetto thug', I won't name names, so it'll be left at 'D.N.'. Anyways, 'D.N.' always comes in, with what appear to be his obese father's clothes on, and sits in the row ahead of me, he then proceeds to verbally vomit within my ears, as he tries to pass the incoherent nasal "eh?" sounds off as an attempt at english. Not to mention the fact that he's clever and witty, too. The teacher mentions 'Jamaica' in a sentance, and has to wait while this knucklehead tells everyone about how Jamaica is 'so chillin' and how we should be able to bring in 40s to drink in class because that would be 'so chillin' at which point I feel like sending a desk through the back of this guy's skull with the force of a freight train, just because he's told everybody the same thing over and over again.

Next there are the people who have nothing better to do, than to stop in a busy stairway, and have a nice long chat about their shitty styles, or how the 'Po-lice' are such bad guys. First off, you baboon faced ASS scratcher, many people, like me, have places to go, and better things to do, rather than listen to you blather on about something no-one but you cares about. If you are going to be talking to someone, DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE BEFORE I THROW YOU DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!!!! Secondly, if I were to throw you down the stairs, you'd wanna call the 'po-lice' on me right? Well, if they're so bad, and always wanna keep you from having fun, why would you want to get them involved? Maybe if you didn't do fucking illegal drugs all the time, you wouldn't have to see Officer Dick all the time, eh cuntrag? And nobody cares about how much money you have, so don't show it off. I hate it when people live in the most white trash of all townhouses (which, by the way, is NOT the ghetto. If you want to see the true definition of ghetto, brush up on World War Two, douchebag) have all the stupid shitass expensive clothing with all the gay fucking logos and shit covering them. You piss and moan about when a rapper sells out, so what do you think you're doing different there, shit-for-brains? Another thing about money, if you want it, YOU have to earn it, but when it's daddy's money, FUCK OFF AND FIND SOMETHING BETTER TO DO THAN THROW MONEY AWAY BUYING QUEER CLOTHES THAT MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A CLOWN!!! The only time I will accept the fact that you have money, is when you end up getting a good job, and aren't a grocery bagger, and stop getting daddy to give you money. That's not parenting, thats called 'making your kid into a societal louse that feeds off the system, and makes life more aggrivating for people who have earned their share." Stop being such assfucks, and don't give your kid anymore money, tell them to buy their shit on their own, and save all the money they earn.

Now fuck off while I calm down. Yeah piss off you stupid fucking twat, you know i'm right, and can't do anything about it, what are you going to do? Call me names? 'Bust a cap in my ass'? While I don't boubt the fact that you'd want to bust something in my ass, I don't think it's gonna be a 'cap', where are you going to get one? The dollar store that sits right by your 'crib'? Fuck off, and megabyte me!!!

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