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To the Ranger's Roost

We belong to no cult. We are not Nature Lovers.
We don't love nature any more than we love breathing.
Nature is simply something indispensable, like air and
light and water, that we accept as necessary to living,
and the nearer we can get to it the happier we are.
I do not understand how anyone can live
without one small place of enchantment to turn to!
We invent nothing, truly. We borrow and re-create.
We uncover and discover. All has been given,
as the mystics say.
We have only to open our eyes and hearts,
to become one with that which is.

Welcome to the site dedicated to the Ranger's of Diogen and their guild. This is a place for future players to get an idea of what the guild is like and has to offer. It is also meant to be a place for guild members to come and get quick updates and information on what is currently happening.

What is Diogen? It is a Multi-User Dungeon game or MUD for short. The game is currently in beta, and is being built as we play.

Builders are needed!!

Check out our world if you haven't yet. Rangers are just one of seven classes you can be within the world.

Make an entry, let us know you were here!

We are in a constant state of

as we grow, check back often!