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Flying Dragon

Kiet Le's Journal

Web Journal for Kiet Le
My Views on the World, Life, etc.

Sunday, February 15th 2004

Well, after waiting for Valentine's Day all week, I feel like I did something wrong. Maybe it's because I was so excited and had such high expectations, but I can't help but feel I messed up somewhere along the way. It wouldn't be the first time I've messed something up though. I felt like an idiot the entire night, and...ARGH! Women, the most complicated thing in the world. You could be the smartest person in the world, and you still wouldn't understand women. I honestly don't think that they understand themselves. The only thing that I know for sure, is that I do not, nor will I ever understand women. I can talk to them, empathize, share my deepest thoughts with them (a select few), but they still confuse me.

I just wish Julie knew how much I cared about her, how much I admire her. She is the most amazing person I've ever met. Ever since the first time I saw this girl, its been know. I would do anything for this girl, just to make her laugh, just to see her smile. When she her in the halls, it makes my day. When she laughs, it brightens up my entire day. I was so happy all week because I finally had the chance to go out with an angel, I never in a hundred years thougth I would have that chance. I bought her a rose before SPAC, I bought her a dozen roses for Valentine's Day. Honestly though, I thought the night went well. But why then, do I feel so lousy?

Tuesday, February 17th 2004

The Bleepin' Yankees just traded for A-Rod. I hate them. It is like the Red Sox are the graph f(x)=1/x, and the x and y axes are World Series Championships. The axes are asymptotes to the Red Sox, because the Sox will get infinitely closer, but never touch or cross the axes. Ironically, I can compare that to my life as well. No matter how close I come to something potentially great, I am destined never to actually experience it. I come infinitely close but never touch it. I finally find a girl who actually would consider going out with me, but why would she want a relationship with ME right? I'm Kiet, girl's best friend - thats it, nothing more, ever. I thought I actually hit the ball this time, but I guess it landed foul (pardon my baseball pun, but baseball is the perfect metaphor for life).

