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This Link Are Some of the things that I have done while at Kirkwood Community College and this summer (2002).

My_College_Experiences.WMV  Photos of the Kirkwood Community College Prairie Burn Crew and also the(  Iowa Department of Natural Resources Trumpter Swan Restoration Program Volunteers from Kirkwood Community College, Citizen Police Academy photos and Citizen Fire Academy photos. ( You need Windows Media Player to see and hear this link. I'm currently trying to put it into other formats.)                               

(March 2003) Currently I Have just passed the test fot Technician Class Amateur Radio, My callsign is KC0POO. If you hear me on the waves or want to contact me, I'll be on 2M. Currently I go to Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa where I major in Forestry. Also I just received my certification for being a Wildland (Forest) Firefighter this year as I worked for the US Forest Service in Wall, South Dakota this summer. If you want to know how to train for the job or to find out if it's what you want to do, here's a small story how to do that.


YOU THINK YOU ARE TOUGH ENOUGH? Here's one way to find out whether you qualify for work as a wildland firefighter. Stuff what you think you need for a week into a backpack, making sure it weighs at least 50 pounds. If you don't need to carry that much food, add rocks to your pack till it weighs at least that much. Start hiking cross-country, and make sure you're going at a good clip for at least 10 hours per day on steep slopes -- and make sure you're awake for at least 20 hours per day. If you see big movable stuff, such as rocks and logs, pick them up and move them. The bigger they are and the farther and faster you move them, the more it counts. Fall down a lot, and bang yourself up on rocks and roots as often as possible. Thrash around in the brush, get good and scraped, and go without food and water as much as possible. Practice sleeping while standing up. This is critical. Practice it enough to where you sort of get to like it. Try to attract as many mosquitoes and yellowjackets and bees and flies and snakes as possible, and get bit by as many as you can in as many places as possible. Get as wet and muddy as possible, and get as hot and dusty and generally filthy as you possibly can. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T BATHE. Keep this up for a week. If you're still alive, and if you think you're having a good time, you may just make it as a wildland firefighter. If you're genuinely having the time of your life and you want more of this, someone may want to hire you. From


Last Fall, I went to Wyoming on a 3-week college field trip to learn more about forestry, the ways the companies/government agencies use the forests and how they try to save them for the future generations.


This page will be under construction occasionally as I add photos and other items in the future.






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