-Hiya, all you poor, sad souls who found their ways here. Welcome to this little piece of Angelfire-hosted poo. This would be my signature gallery; y'know, those little pictures with nifty phrases that always appears at the end of someone's post in a forum? Yes, well, being active in such message communities as The Zoids Evolution Forums and Metal Machine Music (MMM) and maybe a few others, I have quite a few. So why not show them all off? After all, I have too much free time and no life. Wh00t.

-Artistic-wise, I hate this one. It's too crowded, the text is hardly readable, and it's poorly done. But, it's kinda funny, though you'll only get it if you were there...

-OMGWTF, it burns! *shudder* The first sig made...ever. Everything you make in the beginning comes out like kitty-cat crap.

-Like I said...

-This has been on my comp since...forever. The reflections are kewlies...

First vertical sig...

-Sigs For Other People. I Feel Special!

-Not a sig, technically, but it won some contest-thingy of prettyness, so it's...pretty. Hand-made background and everything...

-Rejected sig for the contest of prettyness. The background ish pretty.

For: Someone from ZEF. Forgot.

For: Katie Luana (MMM)








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