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..::Name: Deep
..::Gender: Male
..::Orbs: Dark Blue
..::Level: 2
..::Demeanour: .:Mascu' cloud hued peophin male splashes in the shadows of the sea. 'Pon his head a crown, in his hoove a trident. He is Deep, God of The Sea:.

..::SoulMate/True Love:Saph
..::Offspring: None



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I Really Think Using These In The Battle Dome Is Really Unfair

My Past
I was born of the Ocean God and Goddess SkyMist and RainDew. Both proud rainbow peophins. My mom had a brother named KoolDew who was evil and wanted to rule all the oceans. One day my uncle killed my father and took his own sister, my mom as his Queen. She grew to hate her older brother but couldn't fight him. Once she had his son TearSharp he made her get rid of me. I was cast into the Seas of the God SplashFlash. He saw me trembling in his waters and decided to raise me. I grew up well brought but I knew nothing of my old parents or past. I grew stronger and faster then any jetsam, flotsam or peophin in the sea.

One day I swam out of the Seas and into the Ocean by accident. I was confronted by a shadow peophin. He wore a crown like mine and held the trident of the seas. It was TearSharp. He reconized me and lowered his trident. He wasn't evil. He told me of how his father had forced him to take on the crown of the Oceans when all he wanted to do was find the real heir. Our mother had died of a brokenheart. I took the crown and triden, but I also pocketed my sea crown and trident in a brass pouch. Swimming to the castle I gave orders. The servants knew who I was and obeyed. I was still young and playful but I was the Ocean God to. Not to mention Sea God. I confronted my uncle and killed him. TearSharp did not care, he hated his father as well. I left the Ocean World letting Sharp govern it. I ruled the Sea Kingdom and Ocean Kingdom, but I couldn't be in both. So I visited both kingdoms every now and then. This is my life, I am Deep, God of the Sea and Ocean.

My Love Story

One day I was traveling to my Ocean Kingdom I decided to stop at the Red Sea and rest. I did a leap onto a rock and laid there dozing in the warm sun. I opened one eye to see a cloud peophiness in the water looking at me with her sapphire optics. She immediately bowed in respect as I slipped into the water. I smiled and asked her name and told her my name. Her name was Saph. I was in a playful mood and asked if she'd play a game with me. Surprised she agreed and we zipped through the waters. When we were resting I knew I wanted her to be my Sea and Ocean Goddess. I asked her and she delightedly said Yes.


My Goddess! I Love Her SOOOO Much!
[X][X].:.:~~Snuggle Saph~~.:.:[X][X]

You I Love