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Rob Meets World

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Click here for my Good Charlotte page

Check out the cool Box Car Racer video in my links....

This is lambykins the dragon!

The Big Daddy Smily

Have you ever realized how great things are, but you learn that time will always change them. It seems we all try to find that thing or person that makes us smile, or laugh that funny little way, and we try to hold onto that moment as long as we can, but what we don't realize is how fast it will fade. Maybe it's how much influence some people can have on your life, but as we grow up we need to move on. Isn't that what it's all about? Growing up, learning new things, meeting new people, and for us to experience things as an individual? If you think about it, is that what is comes down to? And if we don't do all of that now, how it can relfect on us for rest of our lives. When we get older will we think "What if i only worked harder?" or "What if i could have influence someone to better their life?" "What if i could have saved this person...if only i talked to them." The world is full of what if's. How about what's now, and working with that, trying to make that better, instead of thinking in the past. That will only hurt us, and make us weaker.

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Cool things I like to do...

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Eminem - Loose Yourself........................katie! hahaha
Cool music and more...
The Night Santa Went Crazy
My Good Charlotte Page (not that good still under construction0
The Offspring - Why don't you get a job............amanda!
Limp Bizkit - Take a look around from mission impossable 2
