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Ok guys, well i thought i had better fix this up, so give me a couple hours and i'll have it going.
To start with i'll break it all up so if you click on the photo below you'll get the memories from camp starring as you know, us five gorgeous chicks.

As you probably all know by now we had a bit of a reunion up here in Tauranga the other day or so, like it was two days only we forgot to get photos, so had to do two things, what i do have photos for i will put up though, and now i am sure you are all attempting to look at me strangly, but since you can't actually see me its not really working, well i'll just shut up now and we'll get down to buisness.
For photos and all that from our reunion thingee click on the photo below.

and then there is camp 2003 and that really was well it was an experience that i know we all will remember for ever and a day, for more reasons then one ;) check it out, click the photo below: