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       Prelude To Madness
Alias: Ariella Star

Age: Legal

Gender: Female

Birthdate: 08/09

Location: Anywhere you want me to be
1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Open my eyes
2. What is your favorite quote? "A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become porcelain." -- Mildred Witte Struven
3. What would be your ideal or dream job? Owning my own magazine
4. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what was the friend's name? No. They were invisible.
5. Do you forward chain e-mails? Evil of all evils.
6. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? Pink ^_^
7. What is your favorite author? Modern- Laurell K. Hamilton Classical- Undecided
9. What languages do you know swear words in? Spanish
10. What name do you prefered to be called? Meg
11. What do you think is the purpose of life? How do you think you are fulfilling it? No comment.
12. Have you ever hallucinated something you knew wasn’t there but looked real? I see dead people.
13. What was your most memorable dream? Describe it. This is a tough one. I have so many. I had one where this dead guy was looking at himself in the mirror. He had a broken neck and you could see the bone pressing against the skin. His face was also painted white and crimson like a diamond playing card.
14. List the best qualities of the other Prelude to Madness Members: Edo: Creative and a caring friend.
Mephi: He's my idol *faints*
Hope: Youthful
Endy: Sweetness
Dove: Pure MADNESS :)

15. What do you sleep in? My jammies.
16. What is your current favorite song? Any Matchbox 20 song from their new cd.
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Greece or Italy.
18. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? My Pillow
19. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? Tummy and side
20. Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead.. " on a reality show.
Alias: Hope

Age: 14

Gender: Female (obvious, I hope ^_^)

Birthdate: 05/15

Location: New York
1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Turn off my alarm clock, fling it, then turn on the tv to wake me up.
2. What is your favorite quote? Oh my gods...I have so many! ok..lemmie see.. "Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense." and "Good, bad, *I'm* the guy with the gun!"
3. What would be your ideal or dream job? veterinarian
4. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what was the friend's name? ermm...yah lol My imaginary dude was Billy.
5. Do you forward chain e-mails? No. they bug me. chain IMs are just as bad.
6. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? probably some shade of blue.
7. What is your favorite author? geez...Well..Im quite fond of Charles de Lint
9. What languages do you know swear words in? um..English lol My friend and I make up our own too! Most people dont seem to get it though...
10. What name do you prefered to be called? My real name or Hope.
11. What do you think is the purpose of life? How do you think you are fulfilling it? Err....Ill get back to ya on that.
12. Have you ever hallucinated something you knew wasn’t there but looked real? Dont think so...
13. What was your most memorable dream? Describe it. I dont remember my dreams much..when I do they're really crazy and pointless. Maybe thats why I don't remember them.
14. List the best qualities of the other Prelude to Madness Members: Edo:: you're so smart and are always willing to help when I mess up some bit of code or other ^_^
Dovey:: My one and only partner in crime! Never a dull moment when youre around Dovey *grin* Remember, being insane is a good thing!
Surreal:: My kitty! *cling* hehe You know I love ya, must I take up sooo much room and list all the reasons why? *lol*
Ariella & Mephi:: I cant say Ive had the pleasure of talking to you both very much yet and therefore think it wouldn't do to judge ^_^
*hugs* & my love to all of my friends. I count myself as so lucky to know you all and to have the chance to be part of this blog.

15. What do you sleep in? pj pants and a shirt..they usually dont match either. Yes, I am a fashion disaster while asleep *lol*
16. What is your current favorite song? Ahh! Stop asking such hard questions!!!! I think Ill have to say "Special" by Stephen Lynch. That dude is the funniest comedian-go buy his cd, you know you want to.
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Yet another hard question. I'd like to travel all over so I can visit all my uber online friends and just see different places. I love to travel =)
18. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? Umm...depends where I was and what was near me. My favorite stuff is all over the house lol.
19. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? My side
20. Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead.. " ..with my tongue stuck to a frozen flag pole" *lol* Im sure I can think of worse things but thats what popped into my head. Dont ask...for gods sakes dont ask....
Alias: Edo

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Birthdate: 11/16

Location: Minnesota
1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Try to remember what I was dreaming about.
2. What is your favorite quote? "Only in silence the word,only in dark the light,only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky." -Ursula K. Le Guin
3. What would be your ideal or dream job? Illustrator
4. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what was the friend's name? Imaginary being (not really a friend) called Allowishes
5. Do you forward chain e-mails? *delete* I wish people would stop sending those >_< grrrr
6. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? Violet
7. What is your favorite author? Ursula K. Le Guin
9. What languages do you know swear words in? English, French, German, Japanese
10. What name do you prefered to be called? Edo or Kitty/Kitten if it's the right person :P
11. What do you think is the purpose of life? How do you think you are fulfilling it? To live. I'm still alive, must be doing something right ;)
12. Have you ever hallucinated something you knew wasn’t there but looked real? Not sure. I've seen odd things...
13. What was your most memorable dream? Describe it. Strange dreams involving my grandma's house and being chased by strangers. Odd.
14. List the best qualities of the other Prelude to Madness Members: Ariella - Always willing to try new things, friendly and supportive. For some reason, she likes to write violent dark poems. hehe
Surreal - Affectionate and kind. Always tries to cheer me up
Mephi - Thief of my heart. Claims to be an asshole but only to the deserving. *grins*
Dove - Infectious madness. Beware the barking Dovey.
Hope - Wise beyond her years. Exceptionally nice.

15. What do you sleep in? As little as possible. Clothes are restrictive :P
16. What is your current favorite song?Stabbing Westward - "Breathe You In"
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Ireland
18. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? my cat
19. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? Start out on my side and toss around to my back and stomach
20. Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead.. " Republican :P
Alias: Mephistote de Valmont

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Birthdate: 08/18

Location: The hearts, and minds of the insanely depressed, and depraved.
1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Fight away the tempting urge to destroy whomever/whatever it is disturbing my rest.
2. What is your favorite quote? "Those whom dream by day are cognizant of many things, which escape those whom dream solely by night."- Edgar Allen Poe
3. What would be your ideal or dream job? Author
4. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what was the friend's name? Frank was NOT imaginary....just picky about who he'd talk to
5. Do you forward chain e-mails? They're deleted upon general purpose.
6. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? Black. {It has the run of the box.}
7. What is your favorite author? Mickey Zucker Reichert
9. What languages do you know swear words in? English, Spanish, French, German, Gaelic
10. What name do you prefered to be called? "Your Ass-Holiness"; Memphi, by my kitten
11. What do you think is the purpose of life? How do you think you are fulfilling it? Put up with as much B.S. as humanly possible...Merely to see how long you can persist.
12. Have you ever hallucinated something you knew wasn’t there but looked real? Again, Frank was NOT imaginary!
13. What was your most memorable dream? Describe it. Hmm...Myself, an old house in the middle of the woods, a missing hand, my 'boom-stick'; and the 'Evil' coming to claim my soul.
14. List the best qualities of the other Prelude to Madness Members: Edo - My love; my kitten; As well as a wonderfully, talented woman.
Ariella - Bright, Intelligent, A true privilege to know.
Dovey - Utterly insane; {Which is why we get along so well}
Surreal, and Hope - I haven't had to opportunities to get to know, as of yet; {Hopefully, with this blog, that'll all change soon}

15. What do you sleep in? Fully clothed. {Boots, depending upon how tired I am}
16. What is your current favorite song? Dancing in the Moonlight- Toploader
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? The Playboy Mansion.
18. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? The fire-extinguisher
19. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? On my side, but never know exactly how I'll wake up.
20. Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead.. " ...In plaid
Alias: Dove (Albino Indian)

Age: Over jail bait age ;)

Gender: Female

Birthdate: 01/25

Location: Catopia
1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Half assed beat down my hair (don't want to scare small children!)
2. What is your favorite quote? Your just jealous cause I have voices!
3. What would be your ideal or dream job? Professional pow wower!
4. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what was the friend's name? Had/have lots of them .. the names are all a blur!
5. Do you forward chain e-mails? Hell no , they get on my nerves. I'm going to have bad luck anyways...
6. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? Forest Green
7. What is your favorite author? Anne Rice
9. What languages do you know swear words in? German, Choctaw , Cherokee , and sometimes Spanish!
10. What name do you prefered to be called? Dove
11. What do you think is the purpose of life? How do you think you are fulfilling it? My purpose in life is to get rid of those cats!!!! AND to keep them from having more!!!
12. Have you ever hallucinated something you knew wasn’t there but looked real? *looks from side to side quickly* No ... And I'm not parinoid , just terribly , terribly alert!!!
13. What was your most memorable dream? Describe it. I once had a dream that I found a huge hawk fan and a veteran's staff in my house and that something was trying to take it from me , but I had to protect it. Was a really weird dream ... Thats just the jist of it.
14. List the best qualities of the other Prelude to Madness Members: Madness Members: They don't run and scream when I show up!
15. What do you sleep in? A mattress on the floor
16. What is your current favorite song? All my relations (by Ulali)
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Brazil
18. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? One of my animals (preferably one of the fixed ones!)
19. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? Usually on my side .. But contrary to popular belief busty girls CAN sleep on their stomache!!!
20. Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead.. " In a cheerleading outfit
Alias: Methoss

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Birthdate: 01/03

Location: Reno
1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? sit up...he he.
2. What is your favorite quote? "I Am An Evil Pop-Tart!!"
3. What would be your ideal or dream job? Doing tats or piercings.
4. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what was the friend's name? lol...nope
5. Do you forward chain e-mails? sometimes
6. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? Forest Green..he he.
7. What is your favorite author? William Hill
9. What languages do you know swear words in? English, German, Klingon, and Sabation :p
10. What name do you prefered to be called? Meth...i guess
11. What do you think is the purpose of life? How do you think you are fulfilling it? there is no purpose...its a big joke...lmao..i dunno.
12. Have you ever hallucinated something you knew wasn’t there but looked real?nahhhh
13. What was your most memorable dream? Describe it. only ones i remember off the top of my head are the one where zombies took over Las Vegas(RE...he he), and another where i was fighting killer clowns from outer
14. List the best qualities of the other Prelude to Madness Members:
Ariella: thats remains to be seen.
Dove: damn vamp spiders...grrr...i'mma get you.
Hope: *pokes with a rubber chicken*
Edo: *pounces on Edo* heya!!!!!!
Mephi: ....*hands him a coke*

15. What do you sleep in? darkness...8-P
16. What is your current favorite song? "Die in Winter" - Wumpscut.
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Seattle....or Texas.
18. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? choices...too much stuff!
19. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?
20. Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead.. " "eating veggies..."