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Okay. I know it's taking FOREVER to get the WHOLE website up, but have patience with me. I have a life too!! :P ANYWAY... welcome all members to the SECRET PAGE!! ^^

In this page will be all the contests, ideas, and newly forming things coming up.

Picture contest (e.i. mystery pic) I will make a picture of something on the site, (whether it be a picture of someone, or someTHING, You'll have to neomialme WHO, or WHAT it is... winner will win something!!)

Riddle - I'm SOOOO good at making these. These will be up HERE until someone figures it out, (neomail also)

I am slow, I am fast. I love the winter, but cannot wait to see a cold Spring. I never see Summer. What am I?

Here's where something will go if I find it humorous. (In other words, if it makes me laugh so hard I can't breath) I'll put it here so EVERYONE can see it! well... here it is!!

OKAY, HERE's THE VERY FIRST MYSTERY PIC!!! What is it? (neomail me {unicron_flyer2006}, or post the answer in the Message board!)

~~Prize is a fire faerie!!~~

This is a secret that I found out while searching the chat pages!!! 0.o! Get 100,000 np? Seems too good to be true... I thought that too! I tried the food one, and OMG! I WORKED!! Sooooo... here's the secret to quick cash!! ^^

Speed: Every fifth second of the hour

Defense: Every tenth second of the hour

Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour

Endurance: Every hour of the day

Level: Every even (2, 4, 6, ...) hour of the day

Burnt Food: 11:00 - 12:00 NST

Dubloons: Every 55 seconds past the minute

100,000 Neopoints: 24:00 NST (12:00 PM NST)

10 Strength Points: Every 30 minutes past the hour

(must be right to the second!)

10 Levels: Every even hour (must be right to the second!)

Can you believe that there's actually a USE for sands from tombola? You can lose at Tombola, buy one for 1 np, or get one off the money tree. Here's a secret list of recipies from mystery island!!! Angular Sand Sculpture = Bottle of Green Sand + Bottle of Black Sand

Bottle Shaped Sand Sculpture = Bottle of Red Sand + Bottle of Blue Sand

Curvy Sand Sculpture = Bottle of Blue Sand + Bottle of Green Sand

Heart Shaped Sand Sculpture = Bottle of Red Sand + Bottle of Black Sand

Swirly Sand Sculpture = Bottle of Green Sand + Bottle of Red Sand

Triangular Sand Sculpture = Bottle of Blue Sand + Bottle of Black Sand

There's more recipies HERE.

This is the info on the fire slivers.

1,000 np = 1 sliver

1 plushie = 1 sliver

I'll have more laterz! Keep looking on the shop wiz for the prices of items before you sell them! OH! and with Fire Slivers, the more you have, the more times you're entered on contests!! (and if you want to, you can tell me how many you have, and I can BUY something for YOU!)

175= a common paint brush (christmas, red, ect.)

400= a mediocre pain brush (skritchy scetchy, purple, ect.)

1000= rare paint brush (spotted, invisable ect.)

2500 and beyond=unbuyable paint brush! (baby, fire, electric, faerie, desert, ect.)

cyndie201 is currently the ONLY person elligeble for a paintbrush. She can get A Common Paint brush whenever she wants to. Her current balance is 185 slivers.