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Creating Web Pages in Word


Microsoft Office 2000 as well as other word processing and office suites offers a variety of methods and techniques in preparing and publishing information documents. Obviously, word processors are designed to enhance and accommodate most office communication tasks efficiently and in a productive manner. Additionally, with the increasing emphasis on the integration of the World Wide Web access into the work place and environment, software publishers have added features to handle and process publishable documents for the Web in an HTML format.


There are several options in word processors such as MS Word. These options include saving native Word documents in an HTML format, converting existing documents, creating HTML documents directly in Word 2000, and using Word’s Web Wizard to create stylish and attractive Web pages. Graphics, texts, photographs, and other elements can be added to web pages using the common tools and features built into Word 2000. Generally, Word will convert or format documents reasonably accurately to an HTML format within the limitations of the markup language definitions.




  • Using Microsoft Word® 2000, create a basic web page.
  • Show how to use the table feature in Word to format a web page document
  • How to insert an image as a title graphic.
  • Inserting text from an existing Word document.
  • Inserting graphic style bullets.
  • How to add a background image.
  • Creating hyperlinks to other web pages.


About this Tutorial


This tutorial will guide you through the steps necessary to create a basic web page that includes a graphic title image, background image, text, and links to other pages.


How to use this Tutorial


The navigation links shown at the bottom of the page will take you to each of the sections toward building your web page. Each section is numbered as a step-by-step process.


Next – Getting Started



(1) Getting Started

(2) Inserting Tables

(3) Adding a Title Graphic

(4) Inserting A Word File

(5) Inserting a Bullet Image

(6) Inserting a Background

(7) Adding Hyperlinks

(8) Save as a Document File

(9) Save as a Web Page

(10) Files and Folders

Completed Web Page