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          Active Server Pages, known commonly as ASP, is a technology that enables you to make dynamic and interactive web pages.  The APS uses server-side scripting to produce web pages that are not affected by the type of browser that web site visitor are using.  The default scripting language used for writing Asp is VBScript, and you can use other scripting languages like Jscript (Microsoft’s version of Java Script).  ASP can be used to create highly interactive and dynamic web pages that do not require a lot of client-side programming.  If someone wants to calculate, validate or manipulate the input or output between the server and the users, APS will do that.  The ASP code is run on the server and never reaches the browser, the resulting HTML can be very simple, highly customized.

            ASP pages have the extension .asp instead of .htm, when a page with the extension .asp is requested by browser the web server knows to interpret any ASP contained within the web page before sending the HTM produces to the browser.  In this way the entire ASP is ran on the web server and no ASP will ever be passed to the web browser.  Simply simply opening the page in the web browser cannot run any web pages containing Asp.  The page must be requested through a web server that supports ASP, this is why Asp stands for Active Server Pages, no server, and no active pages.

            Asp was first introduced by Microsoft on it’s web server, Internet Information Server (IIS) that runs on Windows 2000/XP Pro/NT4, it is this web server that ASP pages usually run best on.  For anyone who runs Windows and wish to play with Asp on their system, you will need to install Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS).  IIS or its micro version Personal Web server (PWS) comes free with Windows.

            Any organizations can use the Active Server Pages technology to put a Web front end on exiting business solutions, or to create entirely new Web based applications.  ASP will provide an open development environment; support for Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition (VBScript) and Jscript AA organizations can leverage the investments they already have in these scripting languages.

            Active Server Pages is a component of IIS 3.0, this free, downloaded, and integrated feature of Windows NT Server 4.0.     

            Before you implement ASP for your web application, serious thinks whether ASP is the correct solution for your company or personal used.




When you incorporate Active Server Pages into you Web site, this is what happens:






The script is running on the server, the Web server is doing all of the processing and standard HTML pages can be generated and sent to the browser.  Your Web pages are limited only by what your Web server supports.  One other benefit of having your script reside on the server is that the user cannot “view source” on the original script and code.  The user sees only the generated HTML as well as non-HTML content, such as XML, on the pages that are being viewed.











·        ASP runs as a service of the Web server, and is optimized for multiple threads and multiple users. 


·        ASP enables you to separate the design of you Web page from the details of programming access to databases and applications; this allows programmers and Web designers to focus on what they do best.


·        ASP is language-neutral; if you are skilled at scripting language such as VBScript Jscript, then you already know how to use ASP.




















Active Server Pages or ASP is very easy to learn.  Even if you are not an experienced programmer, you do not have to learn a new language to create ASP files.  You can use any language that supports ActiveX scripting.  If you already develop Visual Basic, using VBScript is a snap.  If a person knows how to author pages in HTML, you may need to advance your skills a notch.  Learning VBScript or Jscript, Microsoft’s Implementation of JavaScript is not hard. 

As a programmer you do not have to write your own controls to start using Active Server Pages.  You can use any off-the-shelf-control that can be run on a server and has no user interface.  One good thing is with the Active Server Pages; you do not have to write your own controls to start with.  You can use any off-the-shelf control that can be run on a server and has no user interface.  Why is this case?  This is because you should not have a user interface becoming obvious when you picture some hapless computer operator sitting in front on the server-dismissing dialog boxes meant for the user’s machine.  Another reason why is because the operator could care less whether you have logged on successfully or not.  User interfaces are for client applications and not for server-side scripting. 




These are things to keep in mind when working with Active Server Pagers.  It will get your started in the right direction.


·        Design for Success














According to one article “We see the ASP market, in its broadest sense, as an enormous business opportunity.  It has been estimated by other market research organizations, variously, as being in the $2 to $10 billion per year range by 2003.  More importantly, we believe it has the potential to fundamentally change the way in which software is offered, delivered, supported, and used.  Such fundamental changes could carry with them the ability to profoundly change the marketplace, creating new market makers and carrying old market leaders away from their prominent positions.”

Today, ASP is being used by practically everyone one the World Wide Web.  Microsoft Web site, sites such as NBC (, NASDAQ (, and even Martha Stewart (

Active Server Pages can develop a new generation of Web-based applications, such extending sales and customer service to the Web, and providing to corporate databases and applications to any browser on the intranet.  It also allows organizations to extend the power of scripting on the server with ActiveX server components.  These components can be created sing Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C++, Java, and other languages.  Active Server Pages provides support for both Microsoft Jscript and VBScript, ActiveX scripting plug-ins are available for REXX, PERL, and Python.  Active Server can work with any Web browser.  Since the output of an Asp file is plain HTML, the content of which can be customized for the capabilities of the client.

Another important feature of the ASP is that it allows you to define application and session variables that can be carried across multiple pages in a Web site.  This can be as simple as remembering a user’s name, and it is necessary applications such on online shopping to rack product selections. 

Active Server Pages is a component of Internet Information Server, and uses Windows NT security.  ASP files can be easily restricted to just certain users through secure Windows NT authentication, basic Web authentication, or client-side certificates, For any additional security, all client-to-server communications can be secured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

The common use of Active Server Pages is for database connection.  A database that uses ODBC can be accessed by ASP including Microsoft Access 97/2000, Microsoft’s SQL server and Oracle.  This can leads to some possibilities such as Commerce, customizable sites, data entering/retrieving systems Internet, and a still other possibilities.

There are tow types of vendors.  Providers who sell services to user organization and suppliers who provide infrastructure and services to providers.  Both of these groups have different agenda and needs.

What I have learned is that ASP is here to stay and it will continues to help many businesses and organizations to improve. 





Written by L. Pettaway