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Nottingham trent university, group 17: Files and information

Christmas Holidays. Designs have been handed out, when coding if you upload the .h and .cpp files here on the friday, then over the weekend it can be compiled together. I will create a folder called code (Please use proper cpp and h file names).

Demonstration: 28/04/04
Report: 30/04/04
Presentation: 05/05/04

Lee Trussell: CC213660
Chris Walters:
Dean Wright:
Mark Howell:
Michael Smith:

Minutes: [view document]
We are missing certain minutes, where there are blank pages means there should be minutes! If everyone can look through there work and track them down it would be great.

Project outline: [view document]
The final project outline, already handed in.

Object Diagram: [view document]
The intial object design, will need some ammendments when necessary.

Class Diagram: [view document]
The class, once again these will need to be ammended as time goes on.