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The Bowery House

This is where the people of the Bowery House meet. It is in fact the only actual house on the property. Before you enter there are a few things you should know, and agree to before you enter in.

1. In the Bowery chat, most anything can happen. Do not get pissy when it does.
2. Extreme magic is not permitted. No floating on the celing or dissappearing in smoke. Subtle magic is okay.
3. No killing other people's characters unless they have previously agreed to it and you have worked out the scene with them.
4. No violent sex at all actually. We are a fighting house, not a lovey house. A bit of romance is okay for plot reasons, or to make things more interesting, but don't have sex or imply sex in the chat room.
5. Violent words and actions are perfectly fine, and sometimes even encouraged. Though do not over do it. Either I or Garrote will warn you privately if you're going too far.

That's all, enjoy the chat! Enter Here