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Recognizing the fact that progressive benefits come to the Postal Service through legislation and the concerted effort of all, we consecrate ourselves to the task of continually seeking to improve the working conditions of the postal workers of the nation. We declare our affiliation with the Connecticut Postal Workers Union and the National American Postal Workers Union.


The name of this organization shall be the, New London Area Local, A.P.W.U., A.F.L.-C.I.O.


The object of this local shall be to unite all Postal Workers into one brother/sisterhood for the economic advancement and the furtherance of union participation by its members. Any local wishing to merge with this local will automatically be accepted concurrent with approval from the National Executive Board of the A.P.W.U.


Section 1.
Any person who is designated by the Postal Service as a full time part time regular, part time flexible clerk, maintenance employee or messenger, is eligible for enrollment as a member. Anyone who accepts, temporarily, a supervisory position, automatically becomes an ASSOCIATE MEMBER, continuing to pay all dues and assessments levied by this local. Associate members will not enter or deliberate at a meeting, and under no circumstance be allowed to vote or hold office.

Section 2
Candidates for membership must be proposed in writing on a blank application furnished for that purpose. Each applicant must sign the application.

Section 3
Any member, after retiring from the Postal Service may retain full benefits of membership by continuing dues payment. Section 4
No postal workers holding membership in any other workers organization whose ostensible aims are identical with this union may be eligible for membership. Excess in-house employees, paying dues, and who do not seek to join another in-house union shall enjoy full membership rights and benefits.

Section 5
The dues of new members shall begin the month following acceptance into membership. A rejected candidate may be proposed


Section 1.
No initiation fee shall be charged for membership to this local.

Section 2.
The dues of this local shall be fixed once yearly at the September meeting, providing a 30 day notice is given.

Section 3.
All dues are to be paid by payroll deduction. All members will be covered by the Accident Benefit Association Plan of the A.P.W.U. (low option). This amount to be covered by the currently set dues.

Section 4.
All accounts for vouchers, tickets, claims or other liabilities not accounted for thirty days after occurrence of events shall be charged as assessments against members to whom issued. The status of such delinquent accounts shall be shown in proper form in writing. Any member directly responsible for such delinquency shall be considered as not in good standing until adjustment of accounts in question.

Section 5.
The dues of a PTF will be pro-rated. An annual rebate will be issued in December should any PTF member receive less than 1500 or 1000 hours of work for the year. The amount of rebate will be 25% and 50% respectively of the local dues received.


Section 1.
The regular meeting of this local will be held at least once each calendar quarter, at the call of the President.

Section 2.
Place of meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President.

Section 3.
Ten percent of the members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. If a quorum does not exist then the majority present may elect to continue to hold either a special or regular meeting.

Section 4.
A special meeting may be called by a majority vote at any regular meeting, or by the executive Board of this local. A special meeting, for a specifically stated object, may also be called by a petition signed by fifty percent of the membership in good standing. Such special meetings shall be called on the date and the place designated by the President within ten days after receipt of the petition. Notice of a duly authorized special meeting shall be posted, and a copy shall be sent, to all associate offices where members are assigned to duty, at least 72 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, prior to same meeting. Reasons for calling any special meeting must be plainly stated in the notice of such meeting. No business will be transacted at a special meeting other than for which it is called.


Section 1.
The officers of this local shall be President, Vice President, Recording secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Director of Organization and the treasurer, who shall serve for 2 years, or until their successor has been duly elected and qualified. In addition there shall be appointed by the President, Chief Steward and all necessary stewards.

Section 2.
No officer shall hold more than one (1) elected office at any one time in this local.

Section 3.
Each officer or committee member shall surrender to his successor, or upon demand, to the Executive Board, all books, papers, documents, monies and other property of this local which may have come into his possession or control. After examination, all such property shall be turned over to the appropriate officer or committee member.

Section 4.
Any officer absenting himself from 4 meetings (regular and/or executive), or 4 successive committee meetings of which he is a member as provided elsewhere in the constitution, unless excused by the President or chairman of the committee, and giving due notice of the fact to the recording secretary on or before the meeting date, shall be given written notice by the recording secretary that his office will be declared vacant unless he is present at a roll call of officers at the following regular or executive meeting.

Section 5.
In the exercise of official function, no officer, committee member or representative of the local shall negotiate. Assent to or imply the policy of the local without the concurrence of the President and the Executive Board.

Section 6.
No officer, executive or appointee, shall act in a management capacity, including that of acting supervisor. His office will be declared vacant immediately upon due notice.


Section 1.
The president shall preside at all meetings of this local and at all meetings of the executive board. He shall appoint all committees, not herein after provided, and perform such other duties as pertain to his office or such duties as the members, in meeting assembled, may assign to him. Committees created by motion, may be elected by the body, at the meeting where such motion is made. The President shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees. He shall examine all contracts to which this local is a party, and no obligation shall be incurred, or contract made by this local unless signed by the President. He shall appoint, with executive board approval, the name of members to fill vacancies in any office, until an election is held per article X, section 5. He shall be delegate to the state conventions of the Connecticut A.P.W.U. He, as chief steward, shall act for the Union in grievances, adverse actions, and all other recognized appeal procedures. He shall cosign all checks issued by the treasurer.

Section 2.
In the absence or inability of the President, or in the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the officers, in the order of their own rank, shall be vested with the same authority as the President and shall then perform the duties of the President in that capacity. The order of their rank shall be the Vice-President, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer.

Section 3.
The vice president shall assist the president in preserving order in the meetings and shall perform the duties of the president when authorized by him. He shall discharge the duties of the Chair whenever called up by the president. He shall be the President’s envoy to all associate offices, assisting in processing grievances from and /or pertaining to associate offices, and reporting to the president on all conferences he has attended.

Section 4.
The recording secretary shall keep a correct. Complete and impartial record of the proceedings of this local at regular, executive board and special meetings, and shall perform other such duties pertaining to that office. He shall read the minutes of the regular, executive or special meetings at the next regular meeting. He shall have charge of all official documents and other records of this local not specifically designated to other officers. All records shall be open to inspection by the members. He shall within 6 days after each meeting submit to the President a complete copy of the minutes. He shall act as secretary to the executive board, and also to the constitution and by-laws committee, of which he is a permanent member while in office, and shall keep a record of the proceedings of these bodies. He shall maintain a file of job descriptions. The treasurer shall pay all necessary expenses pertaining to the office of recording secretary.

Section 5.
Corresponding secretary will prepare, for the president's approval, any and all corrsepondance orignating from the president or the executive board.

Section 6.
The treasurer shall keep a record of all members of the local (dues check-off), which shall be the official membership files of the local. He shall be Sergeant at arms at meetings and, as such he shall keep attendance record of all regular and special meetings of this local, and perform such other duties as the local may require of him. He shall receive and receipt all monies, pay all authorized bills, and keep a correct record of all such receipts and expenditures. He shall at the official announcement of the election of officers prepare the books and records of the local for examination by an audit committee appointed by the president. At the May meeting, when officers are sworn in, the books and records shall be turned over to the new treasurer.


Section 1.
All elected officers shall constitute the executive board.

Section 2.
The executive board shall meet at the call of the President at any time, but at least once a quarter. At such meetings their good and welfare of the organization and its members shall be discussed. The executive board of the local is authorized to conduct any and all business of the local in between regular meetings, providing that no constitutional provision is violated.

Section 3.
The president of the area local shall preside at the meetings of the executive board and the recording secretary shall act as secretary of the board and report the proceedings and findings of the board to the next regular meeting of the local.

Section 4.
The board shall act in all matters inviting its immediate attention, but shall not have the authority to expend more than $600.00 of the local’s money, providing that a majority of the board are in agreement.

Section 5.
Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum of the executive board.

Section 6.
The executive board is authorized to conduct the ordinary business of the local during any month when the regular meeting is not held. This shall include acceptance or rejection of the applicants for membership. In no way will this authorization supercede the provisions for a special meeting as provided for in article V, section 4.


Section 1.
Before the next regular meeting of the local after his installation, the president shall call a meeting of the executive board of this local for the purpose of securing the approval of that body for the personnel of the standing committees listed below. The appointment and tenure of each committee or committeeman shall be at the discretion of the executive board.
(a) A labor-management committee, which shall consist of the president, the vice-president, and the recording secretary, whose duties shall be to represent the union in meetings with management and to serve as an appeal board on the handling of grievances, adverse actions, and other appeal proceedings.
(b) A membership committee of 2 members whose duties shall be to increase the membership of the local.
(c) A constitution and by-laws committee of two (2) members whose duties shall be to analyze all proposed amendments and changes to the constitution and by-laws, and submit same to the local in proper form with its recommendations.
(d) And entertainment committee consisting of 2 members whose duties it shall be to provide refreshment and or entertainment as the president or the assembled meeting shall direct.
(e) A grievance committee, consisting of the president, the vice-president, the corresponding secretary, and the shop steward involved, whose duties shall be to investigate, process and handle grievances.
(f) An A.P.W.U. hospital plan committee shall consist of 2 members whose duties shall be to administer and answer all inquiries pertaining to the plan.

Section 2.
The president, subject to the approval of the executive board, shall appoint such other committees as he may deem necessary, or as the local may direct.

Section 3.
All committee shall perform the duties assigned to them within a reasonable time and report the results of their efforts to the regular meeting following their appointment or selection, unless a specific date has been set for the report of the committee selected.

Section 4.
No member shall be excused from committee work unless he can give a reason.

Section 5.
Any committeeperson who misses 3 consecutive meetings shall be removed from the committee, except that, members may be excused by the chairman.

Section 6.
The action of all committees under the jurisdiction of this local will be decided by a majority vote of the committee. Committees are authorized, in the temporary absence or because of the resignation of the chairman, to appoint one of their members as chairman portend. In case of the resignation of the chairman, the president shall appoint, with the approval of the executive board, a new chairman at the next meeting of the executive board.

Section 7.
All reports of committees shall be in writing and signed by the various members. In case a minority vote is rendered, it shall also be signed by the member or members. All such reports shall be handed to the recording secretary 2 days before the meeting, after which they shall be part of the record of the local.

Section 8.
Official publicity in any form intended for publication in newspapers, in periodicals or via broadcast must be approved by the executive board before being released by any committee or officers.


Section 1.
Any member in good standing in this local is eligible to run for office. However, no member may seek elective office in the local who has submitted a PS 991 or any similar application to apply for postal management (EAS) position or the PASS program within the previous 12 month period prior to the March nominating meeting.

Section 2.
No candidate may be nominated for or hold office in the new London area local who is in an acting supervisor position. No officer or steward shall become an acting supervisor without relinquishing his position in the union. Any member seeking local elective office must have attended at least 4 local meetings before the march nominating meeting, within the previous 24 months.

Section 3.
All regular elections of officers of the New London area local shall be by mail ballot. The term of all officers shall be two years commencing with the May meeting and concluding with the May meeting of the second year.

a. At the March meeting, the president shall appoint an election committee. The committee shall consist of 3 members not involved as current officers or as candidates for office. The committee shall supervise the forthcoming election, conduct the election process, receive and count ballots, and post the results on the union board as well as notify the associate offices. Disputes involving candidates or procedures shall be resolved by a majority vote within the committee. Any further protest or dispute against the committee’s rulings must be made under the national constitution. Each member of the committee shall be paid $10.00 for their efforts.
b. The March meeting shall also be the nomination of candidates meeting. All those wishing to run for office must be nominated at this meeting. A letter of intent signed by the proposed candidate shall be accepted in lieu of his appearance at this meeting. This letter shall then become property of the election committee. There shall be no nominations accepted after nominations are closed at this meeting. The recording secretary shall cast one vote for candidates to uncontested offices. These results shall be made official at the posting of results.
c. No form 1187, application for union membership shall be accepted after the close of business at the March meeting for purposes of seeking a vote in the election. The voting list shall be closed with the adjournment of this meeting; the treasurer shall turn over to the election committee the complete and up to date mailing addresses of all members of the local as per article VII, section 6.
d. The March meeting date will be scheduled at the discretion of the president.
e. The mail ballot shall consist of the following:
1. Ballot sheet of paper with the union heading and list of candidates for office. Incumbent officer shall receive the top line. There shall be no listing for uncontested offices.
2. Ballot envelope for enclosing the ballot. This envelope shall be marked BALLOT and shall have no other marking.
3. Return envelope for mailing in the ballot. This envelope shall have the special address of the union election committee and a line for the signature of the voter on the back seal. The voter must sign this envelope for the ballot to be valid. The union shall pay all postage.

f. The ballots shall be mailed to all members on April 15 or, The next mailing day. The closing day for receipt of the ballots, shall be may 5 or the next mailing day. All ballots Return envelopes must be postmarked to count.
g. The ballots shall be opened and counted at 12:00 noon on the last day of receipt. The election committee and one watcher for each candidate, if he desires, shall be present. No candidate shall be present at the counting. No ballot envelopes shall be opened before all ballot have envelopes have been verified and counted. All ballot envelopes shall be commingled to the liking of those present before the counting commences. Only the election committee shall handle the ballots while the counting is in progress. Once the results are verified the watchers may examine the ballots.
h. The official results of the election of officers shall be posted on the union board and mailed to the associate offices. In the event of a tie another election shall take place at the May meeting and notice of this shall be given with the results.

Section 4
Installation of all officers shall take place at the May meeting. This meeting will take place at the discretion of the president during the month of May.

Section 5
Elections to fill vacancies occurring between elections shall be held at the following regular meeting after the occurrence of the vacancy provided that due notice of ninety (90) days of the election is stated in the notice of the meeting.

Section 6
The president or any past president of the New London area local, A.P.W.U., or any national officer or representative of the national A.P.W.U., as the president may direct, shall administer to the officers before entering upon their duties, the following obligation:
“I, …………., the undersigned, do hereby pledge my honor to perform the duties of the office prescribed by the laws of this union, and to bear true allegiance to the New London area local. I will deliver to my successor in office all books, papers, and other property of this union that may be in my possession at the close of my official term. I will also deliver all property of this local to the executive board upon demand. All of this I solemnly promise with the full knowledge that to violate this pledge is to stamp me as a person devoid of principle and destitute of honor.”


Section 1.
Legitimate expenses shall be paid to officers and or stewards absent from normal tours of duty in pursuit of union business. Such payments shall be made only upon presentation of vouchers by these officers and or stewards.

Section 2.
At the meeting at which delegates are selected for conventions, legitimate expenses shall be pertaining to such delegates shall be voted upon by the membership. Any officer, steward, or member on approved LWOP for union business, will submit a report to the president as to the duties performed, functions attended, etc. This will be submitted to the president prior to the next regular meeting of the local. The president will include in his report to the membership any activities he pursues utilizing LWOP for union business.

Section 3.
The refreshment and entertainment committee is authorized to spend, at the discretion of the president, up to $750.00 for refreshments at any regular or special meeting.

Section 4.
The president shall be empowered to authorize any expenditure up to $1000.00.

Section 5.
No member is authorized to spend any union funds without authority of the president.

Section 6.
Any officer or steward on union business assigned by the president will receive mileage and per diem at the current rates. Reimbursement for LWOP used on union business will be at the president’s discretion.


Section 1.
Any member or members of this local, having submitted a question, resolution, or amendment at any regular meeting of this local, and the same or parts of the same, have been passed or rejected, may prepare and circulate a petition of not more than one thousand (1000) words, for the purpose of causing said question, resolution or amendment to be brought to a vote of the entire membership.

Section 2.
Before circulating such a petition, the recording secretary must be furnished with a copy of the proposed question, resolution or amendment.

Section 3.
Upon securing a number of signatures equal to ten (10) percent of the membership in good standing as of the date of the last regular meeting as certified by the treasurer, a referendum vote must be taken.

Section 4.
Said petition must be filed with the recording secretary at least one (1) week before the following meeting of the local subsequent to the circulation of the petition, in order that the treasurer may certify to the recording secretary that the prerequisite percentages of the members in good standing have signed the petition, and that the petition is valid.

Section 5.
The recording secretary must read such petition, if valid, at the next regular meeting following the circulation of the petition, and the president shall appoint a board of tellers of three (3) members and designate its chairman, giving suitable recognition to both sides of the question. The board of tellers shall, within sixty (60) days, conduct the referendum, and count and tabulate the ballots. The board shall submit its report to the next regular meeting following the referendum vote.


Section 1.
If an expression of the entire membership is desired upon any question, resolution or amendment passed or rejected by any meeting of this local, referendum may be invoked by circulating a petition prior to the next regular meeting.

Section 2.
The petition shall be circulated in the same manner as provided in Article XIII as applied to initiative.

Section 3.
Upon the filing of such a petition, said question will be suspended until such time as an election shall have been held.

Section 4.
The board of tellers shall provide sample ballots of the question, resolution or amendment to be voted upon, and cause same to be given publicly on the bulletin board of the union. Ten (10) days before the referendum, an official ballot in an unsealed envelope addressed to the chairman of the board of tellers at a post office box designated by the board shall be given to each member in good standing. All ballots must be sealed and mailed not later than three (3) days prior to the date of the referendum. The ballots are to be called for on the day they are to be tabulated by the chairman and at least one (1) member of the board of tellers.

Section 5.
Printing and distributing of the ballots shall be done under the supervision of the board of tellers.

Section 6.
The board of tellers shall appoint one (1) watcher for, and one (1) watcher against, the question, resolution or amendment to be voted upon. The watchers shall be selected from the names submitted for that purpose at least one (1) week prior to the date of the referendum. Only the tellers shall count and handle the ballots and declare the results.

Section 7.
The board of tellers conducting a referendum under these articles shall be guided by, and exercise the same powers given the board of elections under Article X of this constitution, where not herein provided for.

Section 8.
It shall require a majority of votes cast to decide all question other than amendments to this constitution, which shall require two thirds (2/3) votes of the ballots cast.

Section 9.
Any member or members who do so desire, may submit argument at the expense of the local, of not more than one thousand (1000) words for or against the question, resolution or amendment to the board of tellers, who shall furnish a copy of the same to each elector with the ballot. In case more than one argument on either side has been submitted, the board of tellers shall return them to their authors with instructions to condense them into one argument. Also, arguments must be in the hands of the board of tellers at least three (3) weeks before the date of counting the referendum votes.

Section 10.
No question, resolution or amendment adopted by the referendum vote of members in good standing in this local shall be repealed or amended within six (6) months after adoption, except by a referendum vote.


Section 1.
Any officer of this local may be recalled from office through the medium of a recall election.

Section 2.
Before circulating a recall petition, the recording secretary must be notified in writing of such action.

Section 3.
Said petition must be accompanied by a written copy of charges against said official.

Section 4.
Upon securing a number of signatures equal to fifty (50) percent of the members in good standing as of the date of the last regular meeting as certified by the treasurer, a recall election must be held.

Section 5.
The petition must be filed with the recording secretary, who shall read same at the next meeting, whereupon a board of tellers composed of three (3) members shall be appointed as provided in article XIII. Section 6.

Section 6.
The officer whom it is desired to recall shall be furnished with a copy of the charges against him by the board of tellers at least four (4) weeks before the date of the election, and he may file answer to the same with the board at least three (3) weeks before the date of the election. The board shall furnish a copy of the charges and the answer to same, if one is made, with the ballots to each elector.

Section 7.
It shall require a two thirds majority of the vote cast to recall an officer.

Section 8.
A recall election shall use the procedure in article XIII, sections 4, 5, 6, and 7.


Any proposition to repeal, annul, amend or alter any part of the constitution or by laws must be submitted to the president who after review and approves presents it to the executive committee for their approval. Such propositions shall be read in regular meeting and laid over until the next regular meeting for final action, except as provided for in article XIII, section 10. It shall require a majority of the members voting for adoption, provided that members have been duly notified of the proposed change or changes.


Section 1.
Delegates of the new London area local to state or national A.P.W.U conventions are to be selected at a meeting immediately proceeding said convention.

Section 2.
The number of delegates shall be permitted by convention rules.

Section 3.
Individual delegates will be determined through the nomination and balloting process. This procedure will be governed by the election committee.

Section 4.
The chief delegate will be the president of the local. Selection of the remaining delegates is to be done through nomination (nominees must be present) from the floor, and by secret ballot. Nominees for delegates will not exceed twice the number allowed under convention rules.

Section 5.
Delegate positions shall be filled by those nominees receiving the most votes, and, if a tie exists for the final position, another vote shall be taken with the winners filling the delegate position. If a tie still exists, it shall be settled by a majority vote by members of the election committee.
Section 6.
If the proper number of delegates are not reached through the election process, additional delegates may be appointed from the executive board on a succession basis. If th4e correct number of delegates is still not reached, the local president may appoint additional delegates to fill the allotted positions.
Section 7.
Three alternates will be appointed by the election committee. Election committee members may be eligible to be alternate delegates if no other alternates can be found.


Section 1.
Members must notify the corresponding secretary of any change of address.

Section 2.
During the temporary absence of any officer, the president shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy “pro-term”.

Section 3.
Any member desiring to speak on the subject under consideration must arise and address the chairman, and such member cannot proceed unless recognized by the chair.

Section 4.
All motions must first be stated by the chairman before they can be debated.

Section 5.
No business shall be transacted while nonmembers of the American Postal Workers Union, New London Area Local (except guest speakers) at the meeting.

Section 6.
Any member who is found to have given out proceedings of this local to management without sanction shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Section 7.
Any member who is found to have acted against the best interest of this union may be expelled by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting, providing he has been given a written copy of the charges against him one (1) week prior to a hearing before the membership committee, which shall report its findings to the next regular meeting. The expelled member shall be deprived of voice or vote in the local. The recording secretary will refer the charges to the membership committee for immediate action.

Section 8.
The order of business may be transposed, reopened, or suspended by a majority vote of the members present.

Section 9.
Two (2) members must second the request of a roll call vote before same can be affected. The roll call vote shall be taken by reading an attendance record of the meeting.

Section 10.
The executive board shall not have the right to overrule the committees as provided for by the constitution, either elected or appointed in the performance of their duties.

Section 11.
The majority of the members shall decide in case the decision of the chair is appealed.

Section 12.
Any reference in this constitution and By Laws to the pronouns he, him, his, she, her or hers shall be construed to apply to members of both sexes.

Section 13.
“Robert’s Rule of Order” shall be the authority on all questions not covered by the constitution and by laws.

Section 14.
Nothing in this constitution and by laws shall conflict with the national constitution.


1. President’s salary is $250.00 per month not including LWOP. An exception will be for attendance at seminars or conventions, which shall not count toward the monthly ceiling.
2. Chief steward will be granted a minimum of 80 hours, up to one hour per member in his or her office per year of code 84 (LWOP) in addition to attendance at conventions or seminars to which they may be assigned.
3. The union dues of the president and installation stewards will be reimbursed by fifty (50) percent in December of each year provided they have attended all meetings, (Local amount only).
4. The salaries of the vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer will be $75.00 per quarter, this amount above any authorized LWOP.


1. Meeting called to order
2. Sergeant at arms report
3. Roll call of officers
4. Brother departed
5. Reading of minutes
6. Propositions for membership
7. Report of corresponding secretary
8. Report of officers and committees
9. Communications and bills
10. Unfinished business
11. New business
12. Nominations and elections
13. Good and welfare of the local
14. Adjournment

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