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.;~* Nirainia Rose *~;.

My Furry Code
FF[Andean Mountain Cat]2m A+++ C- D+ H++ M+++ P R T? W? Z? Sf++ RLA/C/- a cn++ d+ e+ f++ h+ iwf++ j+ p- sm

Born in the Andean highlands, this little scamperous kit loves to seek the adventure that
her life seems to lack. Taught the ways of the sage at an early
age, she became wise to the ways of the world, but very naive about the actions of others.


Her mother, Nachika Bencarti Rose was a caring mother for her youthful years,
but the Purge wars that plagued the land at the time took her form Nirainia
at a young age. Raised by her Grandmother the village resident healer,
and her Grandfather the village elder, she grew up faster than she had to.
Out of necessity, out of depravity for her people, she served them faithfully
until the day she announced her intention to wander and seek a mate from the
outside world.


Now, she crosses the grounds of Furcadia, Leaving behind her mark where
she may. Her kindness and generosity had spoken well for her. Her lively nature makes
her an easy person to talk to, but bitterness has begun to take a hold of her.
Realizing that not all other Furries have the best of intentions, she has at times become
violent to the point of drawing blood, much against her peace loving ways.


In the real world, this magnificent cat, the Andean Mountain Cat exists in a
small part of the world high in the mountain range of South America.
One of the least known about cats, it is classified as _the_ most endangered spieces of
the feline world. Thought to only be around 300 left in the wild, reasearch
is hard pressed to come up with hard facts about them.

The follwing information is excerps from other web pages that have limited but compiled data on them.

Andean Mountain Cat

Common Name: Andean Mountain Cat
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)
Class:  Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis (Oreailurus)
Species: jacobitus

Misc.: The information for this cat comes from museum skins and skulls, and there have only been a handful of sightings in the wild. Only 2 scientists had the opportunity to observe and photograph this animal and it was only for a 2-hour period. To date, that is the only finding of this cat in the wild for study.

Size and Appearance: The Andean Mountain Cat is a small but sturdy cat with long soft fur, which is a pale silvery gray in color. It is striped irregularly with brown or orangy markings down the sides from the back, with dark gray bars across the chest and forelegs. It has rosette-like spots on the sides, and its belly is pale with dark spots. The tail is thick and long and banded with dark rings.

Longevity of this cat is unknown, both in captivity and in the wild.

Habitat: Only found in the rocky-arid and semi-arid zones of the high Andes above the timberline.

Distribution: Andes Mountains of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

Reproduction and Offspring: Unknown.

Social System and Communication: Unknown. Due to the fact that the only individual ever seen in the wild was alone, it is concluded that this cat is solitary in nature. It showed no fear of humans.


Hunting and Diet: Reports of this cats diet include mountain chinchillas and mountain viscachas. These prey are "ricochettal" rodents, meaning that they bound off rock faces unpredictably to escape predators. Because of this, it is believed that the long tail of this cat is used to enable it to quickly change direction during a chase. Other animals with relatively long thick tails are the Cheetah (hunts gazelles and hares that change direction swiftly during high-speed chases), Snow Leopard (which hunts high among cliffs), Clouded Leopard, Marbled Cat and the Margay (species with highly developed arboreal capabilities).

Principal Threats: So little is known of this cat that it is hard to determine if its rarity is a natural phenomenon, is attributed to man, or is just a misconception due to lack of sightings. Therefore, the principal threat to this beautiful little cat is lack of knowledge.

Status: IUCN: Insufficiently known. CITES: Appendix I.

Felid TAG 2000 recommendation: Mountain cat (Oncifelis jacobita). One of the least known cats of South America, this species' remote habitat and legal status make it unlikely that this species will ever be available to North American zoos or other holders.

Information taken With Permission from IUCN Wild Cats.

andeanmtncat.jpg (10945 bytes)Photos By:  
Jim Sanderson, Ph.D.
Center for Applied Biodiversity Science
Conservation International
1919 M Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036-3521 USA
202 912-1803 FAX: 202 912-0772



andeanonrock.jpg (14004 bytes)We wish to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Jim Sanderson for sharing these photos of the Andean Mountain Cat with us.  These are the only photos every taken of this elusive little creature and had it not been for Dr. Sanderson's dedication to this small cat we would never have had the opportunity to marvel at it's beauty.  The cat showed no fear of humans and Jim was able to follow it for five hours.  None others have ever been seen alive by modern man.


Little known, small cats often get minimal to no funding. Wild About Cats funded this project 100%, due to their lack of other sources. The project researcher also has a Geoffroys Cat Project underway that still needs funding. Please consider contributing to it (tax deductible) on our secure online form. The following proposal was written by Dr. Mauro Lucherini (click here to email him).

Ian with WAC Directors Laura Morin and Dawn Simas



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Furries Against Hunting