
(The scene opens up in the middle of a court yard. A man sits on a bench in the darkness. One leg folded on top of the other, he sits there staring off into the darkness. The moon light, lighting up everything, seems so bright, but not really at all. Its somewhat full, but more like a new moon. Things start to get a little creepy as you start to see bats in the sky. You soon can hear Owls in the trees around the man on the bench. Things soon start to get quiet as the man begins to talk.....

Its been a long time since the House Of Pain has seen days like this. Days were he would soon be on top of the world. Getting his hand raised, then putting a gold strap around his waist. Damn those days have seemed so far away. So far that I am actually getting nervous thinking about Celtic War being so close. My friends, it is to late to think about my butterfly's now. Those are the least of my worries. They are pretty much on the back of my mind. The only thing the House Of Pain is thinking about, is how he never got a chance to hold a title his first time. How he was just as good, but for some reason hold back. Well, this time I wont be held back, I will stand up for my right, and beat the living shit out of my opponents

Speaking of opponents, last Saturday night, my very opponent I was supposed to face was token out. Some dark man seemed to think it was Scott Masters time to feel what cold concrete felt like. It was his time to learn the hard way. The question that fills my mind is, Did that damn wanna be reverend learn his lesson? If I was the one to answer this question, I think not. It think Scott Masters is thanking me right this second for what happen to him on SNME. Now that damn man has an excuse of not showing up for the PPV. He can complain about some kind of injury he received. Something that could most likely screw me over. But not matter the out come of Celtic War, I will come out a champion. As for you Scott Masters, I have all ready wasted enough time. You have all ready become history for what you have accomplished in the last two matches you had against me.

(The tall, somewhat goofy man stands up. He raises his long arms into the air like he needs to stretch. As he yawns, and his big mouth opens, he takes a small step toward the camera. He then asks you to take a stroll with him. To enjoy your self on this cool, summer night. When he does, he starts down a path way, leading to the middle of the court yard.

It seems everyone has something to say these days. No matter what it be, no one can hold a conversation without making a negative comment. If you don't believe me, next time you hold a good conversation with someone, see if you can go with out talking about something negative. I put ten bucks that says you wont last ten minutes without you are the person your talking to saying something negative. As for my opponents, all they can do is make negativity towards my name.

Thats right Outcast, I am talking about you. I am talking about the man who attacked me after my match on SNME. Well, that my friend, will be the last time you ever knock me to the ground. Come the PPV, it will be your ass that is sitting. Your ass that is screaming in pain, wishing he had another shot at me. Saying it was luck, and nothing more too it. Sound a little familiar Outcast, well it should. That is what you called your match against Titan 3. You called it luck, and nothing more. Well, let me tell you this Outcast. You may be right, you may as well be a match for me. But lets remember you said that, so when I do beat you, you can't call it luck.

As for this childish name calling game your trying to play, grow up. I am not going to fall for your damn tricks, hell I am not going to beat you by talking. No, I am going to beat you by putting my fist were my mouth is. I am going to tear your from limb to limb till there is nothing left of you. I will destroy you like I have never destroyed anyone before. Mr. Outcast, the House Of Pain is ready to show you and the whole world how damn strong he really is.

But since you insist of talking about how crappy my name is. How gay it is, and how I stole it from a Rap band. Well, that the hell kind of name is Outcast. If I was not mistaken, that is the name of a recent RAP GROUP if you would. Thats right, I said group. But lets not take any credibility away, you did change the K to a C. So instead being O-U-T-K-A-S-T it is O-U-T-C-A-S-T. Wow what a change you got going there. You must have stayed up all night thinking of that one, just like it must have token you all day to come up with that speech of making fun of me. But im done making fun of you. You Know why outCast? I'll tell you why: Talk is cheap and that is all there is too it. So talk all you want, but when it comes to the ring, I'll do my dance and you can do yours. Then we will see who the better man is.

But yet again, you been talking about how Mr. Biff wants to screw you over. How he has been waiting to et his revenge. You then sit here and talk about Titan 3. And how you will set your revenge on him. Well, Outcast, you want to know what the House Of Pain thinks about this? Well, to bad, you gunna have to hear it anyway. I think, you got to much on you mind to beat me anyway. All you have done so far is make fun of my name, and talk about bull shit that does not have to do with the match. So when you do lose, don't call it luck, call it not being prepared for an ass kickin'.

Wait, this is not the only thing that will cost you the match. No, that is far from it. Lets take a look back of why your in this match. Wait, I have no fucking clue. All I do know, is on SNME you attacked me from behind. Something that takes a real man to do these days. This was not the end to your terror. No, this was only the beginning. After you attacked me, you seemed to replace a man that was in this three way battle. Hmmm, seems all to weird. Something that I do think was planned. If it was or not, is not relevant at the moment. What is, is the fact I earned this shot and you didn't? This may answer your question of why I am the favorite, and your the mer underdog again.

Mr., outCast, come Celtic War, many things will make the record books. For instant, there will be crowned a new International Champion. We all know Scott Masers is not going to keep the title. Also im sure that there will be more pleasant surprise's when we get there, till then remember this....

(Just as the House Of Pain says this, flames come from the center of the court yard. It almost seems like it is lighting up some sort of sign. When you get closer, you realize it is. You start to make out the words as they read the following.... The House Of Pain is the Show. Prepare your self for the toughest thing to hit Internet entertainment since porn. I am the House Of Pain. I'm ready for the Show are you? Well, its to late, because it is SHOWTIME!