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Thursday, 19 May 2005

Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Scooby Doo
Nothing really too new here. I've been a little negligent on alot of things lately like looking for a new job and keeping up with this live journal. I really need to submit my resume to a few more sites and just make sure I keep up with everything. I really hope meditech calls me back to discuss if I'll be hired. Oh well....

Most of my days have been doing alot of work around my grandmothers house. I really enjoy helping her out and my father out like that. It makes less work for them and I feel good about myself when I finish anyways...Thats one thing that I feel has been lacking lately. I just need to find to find some self appreciation. Its hard but hopefully if I get this job at meditech things should be better.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 1:58 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 May 2005

Mood:  lazy
Oh man! I have more companies after me. Capital One in Washington DC and Virginia sent me an e-mail about a data analyst position. I'm not sure that its something I want but maybe I should go for it anyways. Another company in Boston also called me a few days ago asking for my resume. The odd thing is that when I asked them what the name was, they said they couldn't tell me until they had my resume. It baffles me and its kinda sketchy. Apparently the company is also in need of data analysts and they were trying to make something happen ASAP. The Cypress group also called me in Boston regarding my resume. They wanted to get a little bit of more information regarding the position that I applied for. I guess they're planning on hiring someone that has a little more experience but they're going to keep my resume on hand anyways.

I also have another interview with meditech for the last time on Monday. Hopefully I will know whether or not I have the job.I should prolly get to bed considering I have my carving class tomorrow.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 12:32 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 May 2005

Mood:  special
Yea. So tonight I got back from the Red Sox game. I always love going back there regardless if they win or lose. (They won tonight on a 2 run homerun by Kevin Millar in the bottom of the 9th btw) Nothing beats smelling the food and walking around the park. Its one of those sections of Boston that really hasn't been touched in since the early 1900's. Its just nice to take a moment during the game to appreciate the team and the history. In all honesty, sometimes it sends shivers up my spine because I was sitting in the same seat that someone sat in during the 1940s or earlier. No matter how many times I go still happens. Even during the World Series, I could feel it at home. My hand was literally shaking and trembling when that ball was tossed to first base to end the most perfect season.

On a side note, I bought a nice glass mug that I love, and a nice bright red baseball cap. Gotta splurge a little bit when you go to Fenway.:)

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 2:52 AM EDT
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Sunday, 8 May 2005

Mood:  lazy
Bed time... Today was both productive and unproductive. I got up today at 7 so that I could go to my carving class for 9. It kinda sucks because when I got there, there was a note on the door saying that lessons were canceled and that the instructor called but there was no answer. Oh well. Maybe next week. After I got home, I was able to scoot out to brooks to pick up a card for the mum and I also picked up some strawberry vines for her. I hope the wind outside hasn't killed them. We shall see...

My dad bought a computer on Friday. He's been asking me a whole buncha questions about what to get and what not to get. He has somewhat of an idea, but I hope I dont have any problems with it like I did the old gateway. Sometimes I hate the fact that I studied computers in school. People somehow think that since I'm a programmer, I must be able to fix any type of error with windows. It kinda pisses me off especially when its dealing with some runtime or memory error shit. Just because windows gives an error message, it doesn't mean that there's a direct solution to fixing it.

At least if I manage to get this job and move out of the house, I wont have to deal with it. I dont know if I'm just overconfident in myself or what, but there is almost a for-gone conclusion that since I'm having a second interview as a programmer position, then I have the job. I can't help to think that way. I'm getting a little nervous because the interview on Monday is approaching fast and I'm trying to figure out the best way of getting there without hitting an hours worth of traffic. As I said earlier, if I get the job I'll be wanting to move away from home. An hour and 15 minute drive is a little bit too far for me to travel everyday. Hopefully the place will be near Foxboro and the surrounding area, or maybe closer to Boston...

Time for bed. Gnight.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 2:37 AM EDT
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Thursday, 5 May 2005

Mood:  hug me Meditech called me again today and I have a 2nd interview set up for Monday in the Norwood office. It looks like I might be working the billing department. We'll see what happens. Other than that, today was very same old and dull.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 2:35 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 May 2005

Mood:  chillin'
Nothing too new happened today. I submitted my resume again to 6 more places, had lunch, took my grandmother to the bank to cash a check and I mowed her lawn. After working out and dinner, I got a phone call from Meditech today, saying that I was being considered for their programming position and that I would be getting a call later this week for a second interview. Assuming I do well on that, I might just have myself a new job. Kickass. The red sox game just finished up and I'm bored once again...

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 9:59 PM EDT
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Mood:  spacey final entry before bed...

Today was uneventful. I did my usual 5 resume submissions, ate lunch, played with the dog, and watched star trek. It felt good to give my sister some help in writing a letter for her job search. I think that she's on the right track... Then I thought about upgrading my video card on my computer only to find out that it cant handle that because the speed on the AGP port on the motherboard is too low for the newest video. I am also wanting a new hard drive, tv tuner in case I move out, a flat panel monitor, and maybe something else. Looks like I'll be buying a new computer down the road. No money to do that now. The rest of the night was uneventful. Goodnight.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 4:03 AM EDT
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Sunday, 1 May 2005

Mood:  hungry
Weekend happened....Went to my carving class last Saturday. It was good. Did nothing for the rest of the weekend. I need a job...

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 11:45 PM EDT
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Friday, 29 April 2005
New Company!
Mood:  lucky
Another relatively good day today. An advertising firm out in San Francisco is interested in me for their Boston office. After talking with the person today, the position is basically an I.T. development one. Any new contacts are good contacts. However, I think that the Meditech will be the job to go to if I do get it. I've heard nothing but good things about it and people still love their jobs after a year...We'll see what happens.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 11:29 PM EDT
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I came...I saw...I kicked its ass
Mood:  lucky
Yea, so I had my interview today. I'm feeling really really good about it. I answered all the questions as best as I could and I felt that I got really strong feedback as to a new job position. I had to take a 3 hour test, though. Overall it wasnt bad except for one question that I got stuck on. Hopefully, I should know next week whether or not I'm going to get another interview as soon as they figure out where they want to put me.

Posted by falcon/nhl77fan at 1:07 AM EDT
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